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I'm walking around the halls with Jackson discussing a patient, and I see April approaching us.

April: so, Edwards just told me the sex of my baby.

I turn to April excited.

Savannah: ooh, tell me! Are we getting a niece/goddaughter or a nephew/godson?

April: I didn't want to know! I told her I didn't want to know and she still told me. And I lied to my husband.

Savannah: oh, calm down, sweetie. Edwards is a rookie. She made a mistake, and that's fine. Don't be so hard on her. Now, tell meeee!

April: ... it's a boy.

I squeal as I give April a hug.

Savannah: that's amazing. I can't wait to meet him. Now, don't be so stressed out. I don't need you stressed out while carrying our godson. Just relax and enjoy being pregnant.

I push April away then walk with Jackson.


I was paged by Owen into Callie's lab and when I walk in, I find Owen and Callie with one of the patients they were testing for the robotic leg.

Savannah: what the hell happened?

Owen: he fell and hit his head.

I grab my light and check his pupils.

Savannah: could be just a concussion, but it's acting like a bleed.

Owen: I've already called CT.

Schultz: he's gonna be okay, right? Sir, he's my best friend. He's got to make it.

Owen: we're gonna take care of him.

Callie: I'll meet you in the OR?

Owen: no. Stay back with Rick. You've done enough.

We wheel him out of the room and get him to CT. Once we had the scans, I page Amy to do the surgery while I assist her, and we scrub in together. Owen walks into the room as we finish scrubbing.

Owen: how's he look?

Savannah: CT showed a multifocal hemorrhage with some edema. Amy and I will know more once we're in there, but he's gonna need a full craniotomy.

Owen: alright. Page me when you're out, okay?

Owen was about to leave, but Amy speaks up.

Amy: I feel like I owe you an explanation... about what you heard last week.

Owen: you don't need—

Amy: I had a pill problem. I got clean. Two years ago, I relapsed, and for a brief time, I got into oxy... and then shooting oxy. I lost someone. Um, that was rock bottom, and I have been clean ever since.

Owen: listen, Derek told me everything I need, so you don't have—

Amy: I work for you. And I respect you, and I like you, so if it's alright, I don't care to hang my professional relationships on Derek Shepherd's reputation. I needed you to hear it from me. I know it's a choice keeping me on. I know I'm a risk.

Owen: we're all a risk. We all have something. I mean, I have my own version. And it was different. It took a different toll. It still does, and I push through every day. And I'm assuming you're doing the same thing, unless I see otherwise. Okay?

Amy: okay.

Owen walks out of the room.

Savannah: you're very brave, Amy.

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