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I smile as I make everyone coffee.

Savannah: Andrea! Get your butt off my couch! We have to get to work.

I hear Jackson groan as he walks downstairs.

Jackson: woah. Mess. Not a dream.

Savannah: no, more like a nightmare. I've already called the cleaning service, they're on their way, and Carly is dropping the kids off to daycare and school and will be picking them up at 3.

I smile as I give Jackson a kiss.

Jackson: April and Matthew and Jo and Alex all got married while the rest of us got painfully drunk.

Savannah: thank god I have a break from that.

I giggle as Jackson pulls me into his lap.

Jackson: why do we do that? Numb life's most joyous, most vulnerable, most powerful experiences with alcohol– why do we do that?

I give my husband a kiss then a cup of coffee.

Savannah: people see it as a celebration. I see it as something that blocks my joy. Or it can lead to a road of anger, unhappiness and danger. Are you swearing off drinking for me? Is this where the conversation is leading?

Jackson: how about during this pregnancy? After that, I'll need some convincing.

Savannah: I'm sure I can find a way to convince you.

I kiss Jackson on the neck before grabbing a pillow and whacking Andrew in the face.

Andrew: oww! Rude.

Savannah: get up and dressed. We have lives to save, DeLuca.

Andrew: yeah, I have to call in sick, guys.

Savannah: you better get your ass off my couch and out my door in the next 90 seconds or else I will kick your ass. And since it's a beautiful day, we're gonna walk to work. Let's get moving, soldier! Go, go, go!

Andrew shoots off the couch and runs to get dressed.

Jackson: you're so hot when you're bossy—

Savannah: you think I was just talking to DeLuca? Get a move on, soldier! Go, go, go, go!

Jackson scurries away to change.


I'm walking next to Jackson with my hand in his.

Jackson: we watched our best friend get married last night.

Savannah: and she actually went through with it this time.

Jackson and I share a laugh.

Jackson: they're really happy, huh?

Savannah: yeah, they are. I mean, I get it. They understand each other. They found their way back to each other through God's will. But, I'm a little surprised at how fast she made the decision. I mean, the first time around with Matthew, she was stressed for weeks. Then with Jer, it was an easy thing. Sort of. I know April, and I believe she's just following her heart—

Andrew: hey. Hey! Look out!

I felt myself and Jackson getting dragged back before we see a cyclist get hit with a car that was mere inches away from hitting us.

Savannah: oh my god.

I jump onto my feet and rush over to the car.

Savannah: ma'am? Ma'am?


We made it to the hospital, and I was greeted by Maggie.

Savannah: you got her while I go change?

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora