Ninety Three

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Jackson and I are getting ready for work, and I start talking about Cristina not winning the Harper Avery.

Savannah: I can't believer Cristina lost. I mean, she's making hearts! She deserved that award! The committee has lost their minds!

Jackson: babe, I'm just as surprised as you are, okay? I told you before, the voting committee is completely separate from the foundation.

Just then, April knocks on the door and pops her head in.

April: can I borrow some toothpaste?

Savannah: here, honey.

I grab the toothpaste and hand it to her.

Jackson: okay, I love April and she can stay with us as long as she wants, but I hope she talks to Jeremy.

Savannah: she will eventually. I've been giving her advice since intern year, and as her best friend, it'd be dumb for her not to listen to me.

Jackson chuckles at me as we get ready for work.


I'm standing at the ER front desk talking to April about a patient, and I see Meredith walk in with Owen.

Savannah: hey, you're back.

Meredith glares at me.

Meredith: you're gonna want to stay away from me.

April: where's Cristina? She must be devastated. If I were her, I'd be face first in a pile of chocolate chip cookies.

Meredith: stop it! Cristina Yang doesn't need your pity! She was robbed!

Meredith turns to me.

Meredith: and you robbed her!

I look at Meredith in shock.

Savannah: excuse me?

Meredith: you're an Avery by association! That pack of fools can't tell their asses from their elbows, never mind an award-winning surgeon versus some half-wit who tinkers with science kits in his mother's basement!

Savannah: oh my god, Meredith, you have no right to yell at me for something I had no control over! And don't you dare think about yelling at Jackson, because I swear to God, I will end you! We wanted Cristina to win just as much as you do, so don't treat me like a god damn villain! If you want to take your anger out on someone, don't take it out on me or Jackson! UGH!

I storm out of the ER.


I'm going over some patient charts, and I run into Jackson and Jeremy.

Savannah: hey, babe.

Jackson: hey.

Savannah: hey, Jer. Have you talked to April?

Jeremy: I ran into her earlier. She said she wants to come home, but only to get her iPod.

I sigh at Jeremy.

Savannah: please talk to her, hon. She's been really sad.

Jeremy: believe me, I'm trying, Sav.

Savannah: what're you up to, sweetness?

Jackson: I have to compile a report for the foundation on the value of people's research projects, 'cause I don't think we're gonna be able to keep them all.

Savannah: great.

I hear my pager beep.

Savannah: trauma in the pit. I'll see you later, babe. Oh, you should watch out for Meredith. She totally bitched at me in the ER about Cristina's loss since I'm an Avery by association apparently, so we're not on the best of terms. Love you.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon