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I was paged by Amy to the imaging room.

Savannah: hey, Amy, you– woah! That is a gorgeous brain tumor. Who's tumor is this?

Amy: ... it's mine.

I look at Amy, and my heart shatters. I've grown to like Amy a lot since we first met. Ever since she started working here, we've bonded over Derek stories and patients. And she's given me a lot of great advice. And since Derek died, we've leaned on each other a lot.

Andrew: Dr. Shepherd. Oh, uh, I was going to say that it's been a week and you should tell someone. And I can see now that you have.

Savannah: a week? Oh my god.

Amy: I have Tom Koracick flying in to take a look at this, and I know we are good friends, but could you consult with him on this? Koracick is good, but—

Savannah: he's an arrogant ass who thinks he's God. I know. I've heard stories. I'll try and consult with him, but I have Harper Avery coming to the hospital, and as much as I love my grandfather, he is going to be especially difficult today, with everything that's happened with the hospital.

Amy: thank you.

Savannah: does Owen know?

Amy: no, he doesn't, and I don't want him to right now. I will tell him eventually.

Savannah: understood.

Amy: you will be taking over my patients for the time being.

Savannah: I figured. Hey, I'm here for you, Amy.

Amy: thanks.

I give Amy a reassuring smile before I walk off.


I could hear my grandfather's voice as I approach the group.

Harper: don't you people have jobs to do?

I smile at grandpa as I step forward.

Savannah: of course we do, but we're department heads at a very well ran hospital. That means we don't have to be looking over people's shoulder every five minutes. They know how to do their jobs, grandpa.

Harper: I suppose that is a good thing.

Savannah: it is. Chief Bailey runs this place very well, grandpa. Now, have you given Jackson a hug? Jackson, give our grandfather a hug.

Jackson: Sav, I don't—

Savannah: give our grandfather a hug, Jackson. That's an order.

Jackson: okay!

I watch Jackson give Harper a hug before I do the same and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Savannah: alright. Everyone, you guys can get back to work. And how about we start our meeting?

Harper smiles at me then starts walking to the conference room with mom.

Bailey: thank you.

Savannah: I love my grandfather, but you owe me.

I start following the group to the conference room.


Bailey leads us into the conference room.

Bailey: um, why don't we all sit down?

I walk over to Jackson and he pulls out a chair for me next to him.

Harper: grown-ups only, Jackie. Take a walk.

Savannah: Harper, you need to remember that Jackson and I hold the majority vote on the board, so we will both be staying to hear your concerns.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now