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*TW: mentions of police brutality and shooting*

I start looking over Stadler's scans.

Savannah: can I get a hand in here?!

Stadler starts crying out in pain as I try to numb some of cuts so I can stitch them up.

Savannah: we've got you. Okay.

Meredith: hit and run.

Savannah: he's just waking up now. Dr. Stadler, you need to calm down. We're trying to help you, okay? Feel a little stick here. Feel a little stick here.

Meredith: are there any suspects?

Savannah: I don't know. Don't worry, Mer. I've got him. I won't lose him. Go take care of Jo.

I see Natalie walking with another intern.

Savannah: Collins! Get in here and staple up this head lac and then you and Helm get him up to CT, okay?

Natalie: yes, Dr. Avery-Collins.

I walk out of the trauma room, and Owen follows me.

Owen: hey. So, what happened with Stadler?

Savannah: hit and run. Sending him to CT. So, Webber asked me to lead the Grey Sloan Medical Innovation contest. The whole thing.

Owen: do you want it?

Savannah: to be honest... yeah. I mean, I don't really have the time to figure out and plan an innovative idea to win this contest, so judging it sounds better than nothing. Plus, I'm very good at judging people. I do it on a daily basis.

Owen: I think you're better at bossing people—

I look up at Owen and glare at him.

Owen: uh, I-I'm gonna go over there.

Savannah: yeah, you do that.


I'm looking over some scans, and I see April approach me.

April: Matthew's here.

Savannah: Matthew?

April: mhmm.

I turn to April with wide eyes.

Savannah: no! Matthew?!

April: yeah. His wife just had a baby, emergently, in my arms. Which was...

Savannah: ironic? Comical? Soul-crushing?

April: how are we best friends?

Savannah: I'm your soul-sister and the best person on the planet, and you can't live without me.

I giggle as April glares at me before walking away. I was about to turn back to my scans when I see Bailey and Jackson throwing on trauma gowns.

Savannah: you need me?

Bailey: yes. Ben called. He's got a GSW coming in.

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