Sixty Eight

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I'm in an on-call room making out with Jackson.

Jackson: are you using me to distract yourself from the fact that Cahill is taking over the hospital?

Savannah: maybe just a little. But it's mostly pregnancy hormones.

Jackson: good. 'Cause I like the pregnancy hormones.

I giggle as Jackson kisses my neck.


I'm standing in an OR with all the other Attendings listening to Cahill, much to my displeasure.

Cahill: the cameras aren't here to spy on you. They are here to supplement you. On the other side of the camera is a remote physician, an extra set of eyes to help reduce mistakes, improve patient care, and maximize physician hours.

I roll my eyes at Cahill. This isn't what this hospital is about.

Cahill: so does that answer your questions?

I step forward.

Savannah: how do we have the money to pay for cameras and remote physicians but not enough money to keep my ER open by exploring other possible money saving ways?

Cahill: alright. Let's move on then.

I roll my eyes at Cahill. Of course she ignores me. I glare at her as I step back towards my boyfriend, who instantly wraps his arm around my waist.

Jackson: we'll get our revenge soon, babe. I promise. Just be patient.

I let out a deep breath as I snuggle into Jackson's chest.

Cahill: as you can see, this OR has been arranged with maximum efficiency, specifically for OR turnover. Now what are the main causes for bottleneck? The layout of OR supplies, equipment, and instruments. Because when every second counts, you need the most efficient approach. Your average time between surgeries is 37 minutes. With these new OR procedures, I'd like to see that cut in half.

I scoff at the lunatic in front of me. Everyone starts leaving the meeting, and Jackson and I walk with Meredith, Cristina, Jeremy and Alex.

Cristina: closing the ER should cut down on time. We won't have patients.

Savannah: it's ridiculous.

Jackson: how's Hunt feel about that?

Cristina: oh, he says he's not gonna do anything about it until it actually happens.

I nod in agreement. I've had that conversation with Owen every day since we found out. I'm livid that this is happening to us.

Jeremy: well, it's happening.

Alex: and he can't be a trauma surgeon without an ER. Neither can Savannah.

I glare at Alex.

Savannah: thanks for the reminder, Alex.

Jackson whacks Alex on the arm then wraps his arm around my waist.

Alex: is he gonna leave town? 'Cause of you go with him, I'm screwed. I'm kind of depending on your rent check.

Cristina: way to make this all about you.

Meredith: the ER is not going to close. Derek has a plan.

Cristina: where is Derek?

Savannah: he spent the night with me and April.

Cristina: where are they now? And why aren't you with them?

Savannah: they're in the conference room finalizing a plan. I'm keeping myself out of it because I would rather stab myself with a rusty scalpel than discuss budget cuts with her. Cahill and I are like oil and water– we don't mix. If I end up within five feet of her, I might kill her. So I'm keeping my distance.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now