Sixty Two

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I'm sitting in a meeting with most of the Attendings.

Owen: I have one last thing to say. Some of you, uh, may run into Arizona Robbins today. It's her first day back.

We all cheer for Arizona. Frankly, I need to apologize for the last time I saw her when I bitch screamed at her.

Owen: so if you see her, just make her feel welcome.

Callie: or maybe... maybe just don't make a big deal at all. It might be better.

Owen: noted. Thank you.

We all stand up.

Owen: oh, oh, hold on. I just want to address one more thing. Um, most of you are aware that a group of our doctors have filed a lawsuit against our hospital. Some of you may be wondering what this all means and how it's gonna affect the our staff. I'd like to be clear. It doesn't... at all. Let's just let the lawyers worry about that. That's their job. Our job is to continue to work together and support each other in giving the great standard of care that we have always given. Let's not let something like this get in the way of that.

We all walk out of the room.


I'm going over some charts with April with Webber sitting at the nurses desk, and I overhear Bailey on the phone.

Bailey: I'm the one who has to put on the poufy dress. You know what? This conversation is over. Well, I love you too. Red panties and a lace bra.

I chuckle as Bailey ends the call with Ben. Bailey turns around towards us and we look at her.

Bailey: he wants to have a Christmas wedding... in a-a rustic mountain lodge with red ribbons and mistletoe and a tree with ornaments made of our photos.

April: aww. That sounds beautiful.

Bailey: no, it's stupid. What kind of self-respecting man cares so much about a wedding?

Webber: I did.

Bailey: yeah, but I did the wedding thing before. I'm gonna make all those people who showed up the first time sit through another ceremony because, uh, maybe I'll mean it this time? You were there with Adele. You got me a set of Ramekins.

Webber: and I'd be happy to get you another set.

April: I want to get married in a field with wildflowers everywhere and butterflies that are released when I say I do. Oh, and I want to have these little mints that say "Mint to be".

April chuckles.

April: you get it? 'Cause they're mints—

Bailey: there will be no mints. We're going to the courthouse, have a little cocktail party after.

Webber: yeah, we'll see about that. A man who puts down a deposit is a man who means business.

Bailey: well, he has til the 12th to get his money back. That's two days. He'd need two years to get me to agree to a wedding with Santa Claus running around.

I chuckle at Bailey as she walks off.

April: wait. Um, today's the 10th?

Savannah: mhmm.

April: h-have you seen Jeremy around?

Savannah: no. Is everything okay, honey? You look like you've seen a ghost.

April: I-I need to find Jeremy.

April picks up her chart and runs away.


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