Fifty One

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I walk into the elevator and I see Mark and Sofia with Derek and Zola.

Savannah: good morning, brothers.

Derek: hey.

Mark: morning, Sav.

Savannah: and good morning, princess Zola and Sofia.

I tickle Zola and Sofia's cheek then steal Sofia from Mark as Derek starts talking about a lion.

Derek: it walked across the road, right in front of us.

Mark: I feel like Julia and I are at a crossroads. It's been five months. Maybe it's time to take the next step and ask her to move in.

Derek: did you hear what I said? It was a lion.

I walk out of the elevator with Mark and Derek.

Mark: you like Julia, right?

I chuckle at Mark as we get off the elevator together. I pass Sofia back to Mark then run to my office to change then I run down to the pit and throw on a trauma gown before I run out to the ambulance bay where Webber and Jackson were waiting.

Jackson: Dr. Webber. Don't you have a gallbladder scheduled for this morning?

Webber: Hendricks is doing it.

Jackson: you heard about the lion mauling. Came down here to claim it before anybody else could get their hands on it.

Webber: I am down here for those in need, Avery. I am here to be of service to human kind.

Jackson: yeah, well, you could be of service to human kind in OR 3 with that gallbladder.

Savannah: Dr. Webber will stay because I'm running point on trauma today and I'll need all the hands I can get, so hush.

Jackson: ... yes, ma'am.

I see the ambulance come up and I approach them.

Savannah: talk to me, Nicole.

Nicole: 35 year old male, body covered in claw marks and an arm that looks like a chew toy.

Paul: oh my god. Oh my god. My arm. I can't feel my arm.

Webber: don't worry. I'm gonna take care of you.

Jackson: so am I.

Paul: Naomi. What happened to Naomi? Did the lion eat my girlfriend?

Savannah: these wounds are deep. I'm gonna page Sloan and Torres.

I page Mark and Callie as we bring him into a trauma room then we start assessing him. I try to keep our patient calm as we assess him.

Paul: I-I could see it in those eyes. Those eyes said, "you are meat". And in that moment, I believed him.

Webber: what happened then?

Paul: then he lunged, and I just reacted. I shoved my arm right into his mouth. Who the hell does that? Who the hell feeds himself to a lion?

Jackson: I'm kinda wondering the same thing.

Savannah: Dr. Avery.

I give Jackson a pointed look then focus back on our patient as Callie and Mark walk in.

Mark: what do we got?

Savannah: deep animal claw laceration extending down the left side of the body.

Jackson: and there's your arm.

Jackson shows the arm.

Callie: yeah, that's what you expect when you hear "lion".

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