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Jackson and I spent the night at the hospital, so we're in an on-call room changing into fresh scrubs, and Bailey bursts into the room.

Bailey: hey, I'm pulling the plug on your contest. I'm killing it. What do you want me to do with the $100 million?

Jackson: woah, woah, woah, woah.

Bailey: no, no. If word gets out that Harper Avery's grandson secretly funded funded a competition that he entered himself? Well, that's just gonna mean more nasty headlines that we do not need right now.

I let out a sigh as Bailey shuts the door.

Savannah: this is turning into a huge mess.

Jackson: come on, we need to talk to mom.

I groan as I get up on my feet and follow Jackson to talk to mom.

Savannah: fine. Harper Avery may have been my grandfather, but if I get the chance to speak about how big of an ass he was, I'm not holding back.


Jackson and I walk into the conference room to talk to mom.

Jackson: mom, we need to talk about this contest.

Mom: honey, come in. I want you to meet—

Erin: Erin Mason, crisis management. You two are just the people I was looking for. And they sure are camera-friendly. That doesn't hurt.

Savannah: I'm aware of how gorgeous I am, but I can be a bitch, and Harper Avery was an ass.

I'm ashamed of myself for calling Harper family all these years with everything he's done to so many innocent women.

Jackson: you assured me that all three of us could handle this together.

Erin: Dr. Avery, if I had an aggressive cancer, would you recommend I operate on myself or hire a professional?

Savannah: I'd rather stab myself with a scalpel than operate on you.

Mom: sweetheart, this is what Erin does. Let's hear her out.

Erin: that lawsuit brought by the 13 women who signed and then violated their NDAs? It's tip of the iceberg. This is a developing situation, and it's getting worse by the minute.

Then, Webber bursts into the room.

Webber: so, this is how you get out from under the bad name of Harper Avery? With a surgical innovation contest secretly funded by his damn grandson, and ran by his granddaughter?

Savannah: you were the one who asked me to be in charge of it!

Mom: wait. Jackson, you're the anonymous donor?

Erin: what's this now?

Mom: you put up the money, and then you entered the contest?

Erin: you entered your own contest? Oh, God. Is this some kind of tax-evasion scheme?

Savannah: no. My husband wanted to shape and change medicine and own it without his name being taken off the damn paper so the project could win a damn award!

Erin: public perception is everything, and they're going to destroy you if this gets out.

Mom: then let's not let it get out.

Erin: agreed. And to that end, I have some good news. You are welcome.

Erin hands Jackson some papers.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now