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I storm into Bailey's office, interrupting her meeting with mom.

Savannah: what the hell, mom?! Why wasn't I informed about this decision? Mom, you said that I was the representative of the Harper Avery Foundation making the calls for this hospital– my hospital.

Mom: you are correct. But I felt that I needed to—

Savannah: no! This is my hospital, mom. The hospital you gave me. You said that I have full authority of this hospital. Why are you interfering?

Mom: because of people like Leah Murphy, Alex Karev, Meredith Grey, April Kepner. They all needed second chances.

Savannah: Leah Murphy screwed herself by sleeping with Attendings and filed multiple harassment reports. She needed to clear her head and she needed to get her act together. And from what I've seen since she's been back, she's proven herself. Although Alex Karev's actions were very violent, he just though the woman he loved was being assaulted and he tried to protect her. I know Jackson would do the same for me if I was in this position. Meredith Grey messed with a trial to make sure Adele Webber could get the treatment she deserved. And April Kepner may have missed a step and failed her boards, but she never made that mistake again. That's what a teaching hospital is about. We've all made mistakes, mom, so don't you dare say you haven't because that's a load of crap. This program made surgeons like me, Bailey, Cristina Yang, Stephanie Edwards, Jo Wilson, Benjamin Warren, and many more incredible surgeons. It made me and it made Jackson into the surgeons we are now.

Mom: as touching as that was, sweetheart, it doesn't change the fact that Dr. Minnick is coming to assess the program. Please be supportive and welcoming. And remember that you have your meeting with your grandfather and the financial team.

Mom kisses my cheek then leaves the room as I turn to Bailey.

Savannah: what the hell, Bailey?!

Bailey: Avery, she's just here to assess the program and make some suggestions. Everything will be fine.

Savannah: she does not step even a toe into my OR, or else I'm kicking her out.

Bailey: fine.

Savannah: fine.

I storm out of the room and I find Jackson with Maggie, Arizona and Riggs going over some scans.

Savannah: did I imagine mom telling me that this is my hospital? Because I distinctly remember mom telling me that I am the reason why our doctors can get a Harper Avery because I'm the one making the choices in this hospital. Not you, not mom, me.

Jackson: no, you didn't imagine it, sweetie.

Arizona: are people getting fired?

Savannah: honestly, I have no idea. Catherine was going on about second chances. I need you guys to prepare for things to change around here. I have a bad feeling about it and I don't know how I can stop it.

Just then, I hear residents laughing as they pass by the room.

Jackson: ah, that's not ominous at all.

Savannah: damn it. Okay, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with our lovely grandfather and the Harper Avery financial team.

I kiss Jackson on the cheek then I run off. When I get to my conference room, I see Webber outside of the room, and I see Minnick talking to the residents. I was about to walk in, but Webber stops me.

Webber: Bailey says they need to have this meeting privately. Whatever Minnick wants, she gets.

I scoff.

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