Twenty Five

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I'm sitting next to Jackson in the auditorium with my head on Jackson's shoulder, and Jackson's arm around my shoulders, as Teddy talks about a patient

Teddy: when a heart wasn't available, I opted to continue with Roy Henley's lung transplant...

Jackson has been complaining lately about not being in surgeries.

Savannah: it's all in your head, bubby.

Jackson: my name isn't on the OR board. I checked the schedule. Nobody wants to work with me, 'cause I'm not on anybody's service.

Savannah: it's an oversight, sweetie. Okay? Just ask around.

Jackson: do you know how many things I've screwed up in the last month?

Savannah: yeah, because I'm the one who has to hear it all the damn time.

Meredith: stop it. I'm serious. Just ask around and get on someone's service and get back to work.

Alex came into the room, and I immediately gag when I get a whiff of him.

Savannah: dude, you reek!

Meredith: you smell like you're sweating booze. Where have you been?

Jackson: I want the weekend you had.

I whack Jackson on the arm.

Alex: what happens in Vegas, you know? Hey, who's Stark? I'm supposed to be on Stark's service today.

April: oh, me too. He's the new Peds Attending, since Robbins left.

Alex: crap. I can't handle a bunch of sick kids today. I can't do it.

April: so was it a bachelor party or—

Meredith: shh. They're talking about Cristina.

I snuggle more into Jackson as I listen to Teddy.

Teddy: it became clear to Dr. Yang that they were gonna need to switch modalities. The patient was out on ECMO...

Doctor: and why did Dr. Yang opt to use the intra-aortic balloon pump over an R-VAD?

Teddy: I, um... I can't answer for Dr. Yang.

Doctor: and why isn't she here?

Teddy: she, um... she quit. She left the program.

My eyes grow wide. I knew Cristina has been having a really tough time coping after the shooting, but I never thought that she would quit.

Mark: I'm sorry. What? She what?

Teddy: Dr. Yang cleared the balloon pump with Dr. McQueen who agreed that it was the best—

Mark: go back. Go back. Yang quit the program?

Derek: yeah, where have you been?

Mark: well, it's the first I've heard of it. Hunt, what the hell happened?

Owen: she told the Chief she quit.

Mark: Richard—

Teddy: if we could just finish the presentation, then—

Derek: I have a question. Can you tell us about your decision to put Dr. Yang in charge of the patient?

Teddy: sorry?

Mark: but she didn't "quit" quit, right? Grey. You're joined at the hip. What'd she say?

Everyone turns to Meredith.

Meredith: uh, she hasn't spoken to me about it. Stop looking at me. Look up there.

Mark: does Torres know about this? I'm calling Torres.

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