Thirty One

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I volunteered to run the ER tonight, and I'm a bit nervous about it. But I'm going to do my best. Because this can get me Chief Resident.

I start off by running around to update the board, do some charts and talk to some nurses. I stop by the desk and I see Meredith and Cristina hanging out.

Savannah: are you guys gonna help me at all or are you just gonna sit there and eat potato chips?

Cristina: I performed four back-to-back fem-pop bypasses today. This is the first chair I've seen since 7:00am, and this is the first food I've had since yesterday. I choose potato chips.

Meredith: and I've been busy with clinical trial stuff, plus checking on Derek's regular patients.

Then, the phone rings.

Cristina: you might want to get that.

Meredith: you really might.

I roll my eyes at the two.

Savannah: I hate you both.

I pick up the phone.

Savannah: Seattle Grace Mercy West Emergency.

Cristina: you brought this on yourself, you know?

Meredith: she's right. I mean, you volunteered to help run the ER?

I glare at the two as I end the call.

Savannah: we've got a suspected appy on a 10 year old. Let's page Robbins. You know, I saw a need and I filled it, like any good Chief Resident candidate.

Cristina: sadomasochistic Chief Resident candidate maybe.

Meredith laughs, and I look at her in mild concern.

Cristina: what is up with you?

Savannah: yeah, you're all cheerful and perky. It's scaring me a little.

Meredith: you know, it's the, uh, fertility drugs. We have stepped it up. I'm pumped full of hormones. You know what's perky?

Cristina: quoi?

Meredith: my boobs. They're huge. Am I supposed to like big boobs?

Savannah: nope.

Cristina: they'll make you fall over.

Savannah: plus, they'll hurt your back.

Cristina: so, um... Callie mentioned a thing. Or it might not be a thing. At least I hope it doesn't become a thing.

Lexie approaches the desk.

Lexie: hey, I got a patient with a headache better after Sumatriptan. He's ready to be discharge. Just need you to sign off.

Savannah: he's neurologically intact, and you did a CT?

Lexie: mhmm. I did. It was negative. The most interesting thing about this guy is that he came into the ER for a glorified migraine with a girlfriend from hell.

Savannah: funny, because everyone in my biological family told me I was going to hell. Maybe I know her.

Meredith hits me in the arm as I chuckle.

Cristina: which one is she? Just point with your eyes.

Lexie guides us towards a red headed girl talking into earbuds.

Cristina: mhmm.

We all share a laugh as I sign the chart and give it back to Lexie.

Savannah: here, Lex.

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