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I'm standing in the ambulance bay with Callie and Owen, with Meredith and Maggie joining a couple minutes after.

Savannah: hey, how was dinner last night?

M&M: don't ask.

Savannah: o–kay then. What's wrong with you, Callie?

Callie: uh– I was– I was up all night.

Meredith: me too.

Callie: ah, Sofia's been acting out, asking questions about me and Arizona, and I don't know what to tell her or how to tell her, so I'm just not sleeping. I'm miserable. Why didn't you sleep?

Meredith: oh, you don't want to know.

Savannah: you and Derek still fighting? I can yell at him if you want. He listens to me.

Meredith: Derek and I were up having sex all night.

I shiver as I turn away from Mer.

Savannah: do me a favor and push me in front of the ambulance.

The ambulance pulls up and I rush over to meet the paramedic.

Paramedic: 69 year old male, jumped two stories from a burning building. Shocky, BP's 95/60 with a rate in the 120s. GCS is in the field.

They wheel the patient out, and I notice that the man was holding onto a woman on top of him.

Norris: Hattie...

Callie: why am I looking at two patients on one gurney?

Nicole: she's dead.

Owen: what?

Nicole: we couldn't find a pulse. And we tried to pull her off, but the husband just held on. He was agitated. He wouldn't let her go. So we had to stop 'cause we were afraid we were gonna hurt him.

We start walking in, and Amelia meets us.

Amy: what've we got– oh, wow.

Nicole: witnesses said he carried his wife out the window and jumped to escape the fire. We think he was trying to break her fall.

Owen: let's get them into trauma one.

We move into the trauma room and move him.

Meredith: his skin is mottled and cyanotic. We have to get her off of him.

Owen: sir, you have to let her go.

Norris: no.

Savannah: sir, we have to move her to help you.

Norris: no, no.

Savannah: what's your name, sir?

Norris: Norris. I-is she...?

Owen: you don't have to worry about that right now, sir.

Savannah: he does, actually. Of course, he does. What's your wife's name, Norris?

Norris: Harriet. Hattie.

Savannah: Norris. Norris, it's time to let Hattie go. She's gone.

Norris: gone? What do you mean gone?

Savannah: Norris, she died.

Norris: no. No.

Savannah: she's gone. I'm sorry.

Norris: Hattie, no...

Savannah: you did everything you could. You helped her through the hardest part. You held her, you protected her, and she died in your arms. And I'm sure she couldn't think of a better way to go.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now