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Jackson and I are sitting in a conference room exhausted.

Savannah: I'm so tired.

Jackson: I know, sweetie. Me too. But we'll find a way to manage.

Savannah: I love our son, but he woke us up five times. And he's waking up Cathy too. She's only three and she's exhausted before the day can even start.

Jackson: I know this hasn't been easy, but we'll figure it out.

I let out a yawn as I lay my head on the table and close my eyes. I could hear a voice, but I didn't bother looking up.

Ben: Dr. Avery!

Jackson and I both shoot up when we hear Ben's voice.

J&S: I'll get her.

I sit back and sigh.

Savannah: hey.

Ben: hey.

Jackson: just, um, catching up.

Ben: tough night with Shawn?

Jackson: he got up like five times. Maybe six. Does it count if he wakes just as we're putting her back down?

Ben: we? What, the both of you? You guys have to switch off, take turns.

Savannah: we are. But Shawn cries so loudly, and it wakes up Cathy too, so we take turns switching off with each child. Ow!

Jackson: what's wrong?

Savannah: squashed my incision. I'm good.

Jackson: look, it's not a perfect system, but, um, I'm ready to work, you know? I'm just– we're just cranking away right here.

Ben: yeah, um, well, tell you what. I'll take point on rounds by way of the coffee cart, and, um...

Just then, my pager and Ben's go off.

Ben: or not. Uh, got a trauma on the helipad.

Savannah: Owen can take this one. Go.

Ben: yeah, you're on your own.

Jackson: yeah, a couple minutes.

Jackson lays his head down and I snuggle next to him.


I let out a yawn as I walk into an on-call room. I see Edwards on the top bunk and April on the bottom. I lay down next to April, and she lays her head on my shoulder instantly.

April: I've missed you.

Savannah: I've missed you more. How's my little goddaughter?

April: not sleeping. How's my godson?

Savannah: not sleeping.

April: you know that thing they say about how you're supposed to sleep when the baby sleeps?

Savannah: that's a lie! Babies don't sleep. Except when he does sleep, then I don't sleep.

April: me either. You know why?

Edwards: 'cause you keep talking to them.

April: because I am a guest in Jeremy's house. And Kepners are perfect guests, and being a perfect guest... is a hard job.

I fall asleep before anyone can say anything else.


I walk down to the clinic and I find Meredith and Alex with Maggie and Amelia.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now