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Bailey and I are listening to Arizona who is trying to get funding from us.

Arizona: wait. You're saying that you don't have the budget for dozens of babies and their tiny beating baby hearts?

Bailey: don't. No. Every time you want something, you say, "but the tiny babies. The teeny, tiny babies.". But you are the doctor who cried tiny baby.

Webber just happens to walk by.

Bailey: Dr. Webber, you tell her. Robbins wants new wireless fetal monitors, when the ones we have are—

Webber: it's not my concern.

Webber nods at me before walking off.

Arizona: it's not you, it's me. I pissed him off too.

Bailey: not like I did.

Arizona: yeah, a little bit like you did.

Savannah: listen, let's focus on our budget and not on how you backstabbed Richard. I put in a request for new bone saws for Ortho. The ones we have are getting old and hard to use. And, I'm putting in a request for new scopes.

Bailey: I'll take a look.


I find Maggie making a comment to her mother before I start following her.

Savannah: Maggie, she's just doing something for herself.

Maggie: Savannah, please don't—

Savannah: you should hear your mother out, Maggie. Your mom gave her entire life to you. All moms give their entire lives to their children. Every decision we make is for the betterment of our children. Your mother is at a point of her life where she is making a decision for herself without caring about anyone else's opinion. This is solely for her. Not you, not your father, not anyone. Your mom is doing something for herself, so as her daughter, you need to relax and let her do this. Give her some support.

Maggie keeps walking until she finds Jackson.

Maggie: Jackson! What the hell? Why am I locked out of my mother's file? I'm a doctor.

Jackson: yes, well, she requested privacy.

Maggie: I'm her daughter. She can't handle the fact that I might have an opinion about her boob job.

Jackson: she's anxious because she's going into surgery.

Maggie: now you're telling me how my mom feels, Jackson? What is going on here? Level with me. You saw what happened the last time she was here. And I thought we could actually fix it. I wanted to talk and actually try, but she has been shutting me out from moment one. Why is she doing this?

Jackson: you know, I really– I really couldn't say.

Maggie: is she embarrassed about the boob job? Then why is she getting it?

Savannah: Maggie, the only person who seems to be embarrassed about the boob job is you. She's going into surgery. Most people we see are rightfully scared to get surgery. She needs support. She needs her daughter's support. Your support.

Maggie: so I'm awful, is what you're saying.

Savannah: that's not what I'm saying. Just try and listen to your mom. And stop looking at your mom's file. She has her rights to privacy.

Maggie: fine. Just tell me, are they gonna be huge-huge?

Savannah: Maggie!

Maggie turns around to leave the room.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now