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Today is Alex and Jo's wedding, and I couldn't be more excited. April and I are with the wedding planner making sure everything looks perfect. I smile as I smile the gorgeous flowers before texting Arizona to make sure she gets Alex and Jo where they need to be on time.


Watching as Kirsten yells into her phone, I chuckle as I face Matthew and April.

Savannah: who is she yelling at?

April: uh, caterers are lost.

Jo: God, April, Sav, it's so pretty.

I see Jo with Arizona and Sofia.

April: yay! Hi. Good. Okay, so you should be up in the bridal suite. The hair and makeup are there to... you know, fix all of this. Uh, Alex is...?

I squat down and give Sofia a hug.

Savannah: you look so beautiful, honey.

Sofia: mommy helped me pick out a dress.

Savannah: well, mommy has good taste.

Sofia: I'm gonna miss you when I move to New York, auntie Sav.

Savannah: I'll miss you too, sweet girl. But don't worry, I'll come visit all the time. And we can have ice cream dates and movie nights.

Sofia: will auntie Natalie and Cathy come too?

Savannah: totally! And I can try and convince your mommies to let you fly out here and you can stay with me and uncle Jackson. You can't get rid of me that easily, pretty girl.

I kiss my goddaughter on the cheek then usher her back to Arizona. I notice that the guests haven't arrived yet, so I text Jackson.

Me: hey! Where is everyone?

Me: was there an emergency at the hospital?

Mi Amor 💍❤️: we're at the wedding!

Me: no, you're not!

Mi Amor 💍❤️: yes, we are!



I quickly grab April and check the address on the invites.

April: oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

April runs off to deal with that fiasco while I greet Mer and Alex.

Savannah: hey!

Meredith: where is everyone? Are we early?

Savannah: they're on their way. There was a little issue with the GPS link on the wedding website. But they're on their way.

Alex reaches for some food, but Kirsten sways his hand away.

Kirsten: these aren't for you. They're for your guests.

Alex: guests? There's nobody here.

Savannah: they're on their way!

I quickly grab my phone and text Jackson.

Me: the wedding is on Bainbridge Island.

Me: get everyone on the ferry NOW! Unless you want to extend the no sex rule to 6 months!!

Mi Amor 💍❤️: we're on our way!


I'm standing with Meredith, and I hear Amy's voice.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now