Seventy Four

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I'm in bed reading over the protocols that we have to discuss at the next meeting.

Jackson: hey, remember me? Your boyfriend, the father of your child.

I chuckle at Jackson as I lay my head on his chest while reading.

Savannah: sorry, babe. I just need to read these over before the next board meeting.

Jackson: I think you need a break.

Jackson takes the file out of my hands and crashes his lips onto mine, causing me to smirk. As the kiss gets more intense, my phone dings. I pull away to answer, causing Jackson to whine.

Savannah: oh my god! Gas tanker slammed into an SUV on the I-5. Caused a major pileup. Ooh! There's gonna be so many traumas.

I jump out of bed and get dressed before Jackson could say a word.


I walk over to all the Attendings heading to the ER.

Owen: a tanker did not blow. Don't look so disappointed.

Savannah: too late, I'm sad.

Owen and Derek look at me in concern.

Derek: it's concerning the amount of joy you get from traumas.

Owen: I love it.

I chuckle at Owen then whack Derek with a glove as we run out to the ambulance bay.

Paramedic: Cam Miller, restrained passenger in a vehicle t-boned on its side. Vital signs stable. GCS is 14. He's been disoriented.

The paramedic opens the ambulance doors, and we immediately start gagging at the smell.

Savannah: oh, God.

Paramedic: yeah, the tanker's been leaking gas all over the road. We did a primary decontamination on scene, but we had to get him outta there.

Savannah: okay, no open flames, no smokers, no use of cauteries. Be safe, people.

Derek: Sav!

Owen: Collins, go. I'll handle this.

I run over to Derek.

Paramedic: Rachel Dawson, 42. Restrained passenger in a car with front-end damage. Closed head injury. BP 110/70. Pulse 95.

Rachel: where's my son? Who has Ethan? Does my husband have Ethan?

Paramedic: I told her they're right behind us.

Derek takes her in while I go to the next ambulance.

Paramedic: Paul Dawson, 45. Restrained driver with major intrusion into his area of the vehicle. Bruises to the chest. BP 90/60. Pulse, 120.

Paul: where's– where's my son? Where's Ethan?

Savannah: he's on his way, sir. Don't worry.

Cristina takes him in while I go to the last ambulance.

Paramedic: Ethan Dawson, 10 years old. Restrained in the backseat. No obvious injuries except for a minor wrist lac. He was walking around at the scene.

Savannah: Ethan, my name is Dr. Collins, but you can call me Savannah.

Ethan: are my mom and dad dead?

Savannah: no, no. They're right inside, sweetie. You'll see them soon. I've got you, okay? Just hang on, honey.

Ethan: okay.

Savannah: okay. Let's go.

I wheel Ethan in and get Murphy to stitch up Ethan's wrist. I walk around and check in on all the patients then round back to Ethan as Owen approaches as well.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now