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Today is contest day. I'm directing the workers as we set up the conference for the project presentations.

Bailey: Avery, how long is this gonna take?

Savannah: we have 25 proposals, so it's gonna take as long as it needs.

Jackson: babe.

I walk over to Jackson who was sitting with Natalie and they were eating cookies.

Savannah: what's up?

I steal Jackson's cookie and take a bite.

Jackson: hey! That was my cookie.

Savannah: what's yours is mine, baby.

I chuckle as Jackson rolls his eyes.

Jackson: I love you.

Savannah: I love you too, sweetie. But I have to start.

Natalie: finish my cookie, mama.

I grab the last piece of Natalie's cookie before I make my way to the podium to start the presentation.

Savannah: good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Grey Sloan Surgical Innovation Prototypes Day. Today, we will see presentations of the 25 proposals that were chosen in round one. Five will be selected to move on to the contest's final phase and receive a $1 million grant to further their groundbreaking research. Good luck to all of today's presenters. And we will begin with Dr. Richard Webber.

I walk over to Jackson and steal his cookie again.

Jackson: take your own cookie.

Natalie shoved another cookie in my mouth then I run over to the judges table.

Webber: thank you. Let's begin. Now, once we identify the cancer, we do everything we can... so when you apply the Path Pen to tissue, it rapidly identifies whether a cell is healthy...

The pen dings.

Webber: or cancerous.

The pen buzzes.

Savannah: so you're showing us a mockup?

Webber: no, no. It's functional. I mean, it's still in the testing stage, but, at this point, approximately 80% of all tumor types we sampled are in the database, and we hope for 100% in the next few months. The pen uses a... mass spectrometer, which compares biomarkers from the tissue with those of the cancer cells in the database. The device...


I'm watching Jackson and mom's presentation while feeling very giggly.

Jackson: current procedures use a portion of the small intestine to provide the feel of the vagina, but the result can still have some practical limitations, due to its ability to secrete fluid– peritoneal tissue is a good choice for vaginal reconstruction. Now, let's take a look at the slides. The peritoneum naturally regenerates within days. She came to us with the idea to regenerate... and that's when I told them, uh, you know, I said, "hey. We can make a better vagina, you know?". I'm gonna go back. That sounds, uh– that sounds wrong. Vaginas are terrific the way they are, honestly. I love 'em, you know. Um, I came from one, so... this one, hers, actually. Hey, ma.

Mom: that's not what the script says.

I start giggling uncontrollably, and I could hear April and Natalie giggling as well.

Meredith: due to unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing the remainder of today's presentation. Please raise your hand if you are any cookies from this tin.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant