"Spencer," I introduced myself and shook his hand. 

"Brad," the first guy said and I shook his hand as well.

"Nice to meet you two. By the way, this is my sister, Melissa," I said and pointed to her. She was facing forward the whole time, but turned around when I said her name.

"Hey! What brings you guys here?"

The men exchanged awkward looks and I nudged Melissa. 

"Well, we got to buy our tickets now," Melissa said and we turned around.

"We're sorry," Brad apologized and moved past us. "Please, it's our treat."

"No!" I interjected. "You guys are really sweet guys, but we can't just have you buy our tickets."

"Too bad," Adam said.

"Don't worry. You can buy us ice cream," Brad said and winked as I giggled to myself.


"Damn, they're really hitting it off," Brad commented as we walked together behind Melissa and Adam.

"I'm sorry, but I don't really think my sister is interested. She works down south and I think she's seeing someone there."

"That's good because I feel like she would just be a rebound."

"What happened? Bad breakup?" I asked.

"More like a divorce," Brad said. "High school sweetheart. They got married five years ago and just last month, their divorce was finalized. I've been trying to get it off Adam's mind this whole time. Taking him to bars, movies, amusement parks...sorry we didn't answer your earlier question. I felt like it would have been awkward to answer it in front of him."

"Wow, I'm so sorry," I said. "I had no idea. Maybe I should ask Adam how he's doing."

"Please don't mention it, Spence. I'm trying to get the divorce off his mind."

"Right. So how's your love life?" I blurted out and realized how pathetic I sounded.

"Well," he said and chuckled. "Most girls don't ask me that right after I've met them, but I'm single for your information. Never been married. Don't really want to be for now even though I'm nearing thirty. I'm still at the dating stage. Meeting girls and asking them out."

"I feel you," I commented and Adam turned around.

"Hey, we're going to stand in the line for Drop Zone. You guys want to join?"

"You know I don't like heights," Brad said. "I'll just find a nice place to eat while you three have fun."

"Oh, no," I said. "I'll wait with you. It's not fair for you to be all alone."

"Works for me," Adam said and Melissa pulled me aside.

"Be careful," she whispered. "We don't know these guys and they're older than us. Take Brad to the nearest place to eat and make sure you sit where there are a lot of people around you guys. Do not go anywhere else with him. They probably paid for our tickets to get in our pants."

"Melissa! I'll be fine!" I assured her. "Now go have fun, but not too much fun. Adam has an ex-wife and I think he's not over her.."

"Yeah, he told me."


"How is your burger?" Brad asked me. "Must be bad since you've eaten only one bite."

I had obeyed Melissa's instructions and taken him to a crowded place to eat. I smiled at Brad's comment and just took a moment to admire him. He wore glasses, but had beautiful green eyes and brown hair. Typical nerd...

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm not hungry. I kind of have something else on my mind."

"Want to share?"

"My burger? Sure," I said and handed it to him.

"I meant what's on your mind," he replied and laughed.

"You know how you said you brought Adam here to get his ex-wife off his mind? Well, Melissa brought me here to get someone off my mind, too. So I'd rather not talk about it."

"What happened?" he asked.

"I can't even explain. It's way too complicated."

"Spencer, please. I've handled Adam's crazy marital problems for so long. I can handle whatever you have to tell me."

"Well, it's this guy. I really want to visit him, but Melissa forbade me to. Plus, it's not like he wants to see me either."

"Who is he and where is he?" Brad asked.

"An old friend and he's at this hospital near our house."

"So why don't we go?"

"Because my sister will kill me!" I exclaimed.

"She won't have to know. Come on, I'll drive you there."

"What's going to happen when they get off their roller coaster and we're not in the park anymore?"

"I'll say we we're in a line for another ride. I hope you do know that the line for Drop Zone is huge. They're probably still at the end."

"I don't know," I said. "This is really bad of me."

"Don't you trust me?" Brad asked and stood up. "I have the car keys and I'll even let you drive. I'll sit in the back seat if you want me to."

I sighed and thought about what Melissa told me. 

"Do you want my burger for the road?" I asked and stood up.

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