"So, how's IAB?" I laughed. "It's alright. You know, things need working out." My phone bleeped again. It was Liv and Amanda.

Good luck for your date. Sorry for the late text. I'm just busy on a case.😊

Good luck! I'm sure it'll be super romantic.💞

Finn asked me what I was smiling at. "Ahh nothing." He asked me how my family were doing. "My mom is fine as far as I know. My brother is ok." I'd lost my dad when I was young. He was everything to our family. As we pulled up outside the restaurant. Opening the door for me, we went inside. Getting a table, he gazed at me. "It's nice to actually spend time with you." As we ordered drinks, I agreed with him. "It is. I actually wanted to tell you something."

I drank my glass of wine.. it's like I could hear the girls advice in my head. "The thing is, we've been partners on and off for a long time. You know a lot about me." He smiled at me. "What I'm trying to say is that I like you.' Finn reached for my hand. "I think you're pretty amazing too Phoebe. Paige actually asked me if I liked you too." As we ordered food, I took a deep breath.

"It took me ages to say that. I'm sorry." He told me not to apologize. "Isn't it funny how we've always been in each others lives and we've never explored the idea of being together?' I agreed with him.  As we ate some food, we spoke about SVU. "You know, it's difficult. Being a cop is hard. Munch left as he retired. But, we all do it because we want to be there for survivors and catch the bad guys." When we finished at the restaurant, he took me for a lovely late night walk. The bridge was beautiful. The view was stunning. Looking at him, he smiled. 'It's nice knowing I can rely on you. Our partnership is like a marriage. We fight, disagree, but we always have each other's back.' He reached for my hand. As we walked back to his car, he stood.. just admiring me. Giving me a kiss on the cheek, he said that he would drop me home. The drive home was sweet. 'Here we go.' He placed his hand in mine. 'We'll see where this goes.' As I went inside, he waved. Texting Nina, I got ready for a shower. Putting my hair up in a bun, I let the water touch my skin. Tonight was so lovely. As I washed my face, I heard my phone ring,  it was Nina.

 'Hey.' I put her on speaker. 'Hey. How was it?' I giggled. 'It was honestly really sweet.' As I turned the shower off, I wrapped a towel around my body. 'That is so nice. I'm pleased that you had a good time.' As I dried off, I asked about how things were between her and Simon. 'Things are better. We have another therapy session soon. He's been giving me space like he promised. At least he's back at the apartment.' I said that was a good sign. 'You two are meant to be together.' Nina agreed. 'We still have a long way to go, but I still want to be with him. I advised her. 'Just be there for one another. Axel is your main priority.' She said the same thing. 'We'll have girl's night in a few weeks. I'll see you then.' After saying bye, I sprayed some perfume on myself. As I got into bed, I smiled. I did love Finn a lot. 

(Olivia's P.O.V)

It was a late evening for me. Allison had been for her kit. She was so scared. After she'd got changed, she stood outside the toilet. 'Going through that was just..' I hugged her. 'Now we can focus on making sure that you get justice.' As we went to get a coffee, she sat silently. 'Ariel is at a rehab centre. She relapsed really badly.' She looked at me. 'Jason did inform me. It must be hard.' I agreed. 'She said that she hates me and her father. Me and Elliot have Paige and Caleb to consider in all of this too. Luckily, they are both still young.' Hearing my phone, it was Carisi. 'Yep. Oh ok. Could you send it to me please?' I thanked him. 'Sorry. That was just a member of my squad. 'They've found some information on another incident that I am following up.' Allison said it was no problem. A doctor then walked up to us. 'Could you follow me please?' As we went into the room, the doctor informed us. 'The results came back and you were assaulted.' Her eyes were very glassy and she just held my hand. 'And you are possibly pregnant.' She then went into complete shock. 'I.. can't have this baby.'

She then told the doctor about Jason and Blake. 'What do I say to them? Their dad will find us.' I reassured her. 'He won't. I can promise you that.' As we spoke about her options, I went to ring Elliot. 'Hey Ell. Yes, i'm with his mom. Ahhh, that's so cute. I'm sorry I can't be there with you all. Is Caleb feeling ok?' He said that he was a bit better. 'Send me pictures pleease!' He giggled. Even better, he video called me. 'Hi!!!' Paige looked so happy. "look mommy! I'm jumping! Wheee!!!" She was enjoying herself. "Hi Liv." Charlie spoke to me for a bit. "That's good. I'm glad that you're doing well. Ahhh, well you will have to introduce her to us one day." As he handed the phone over to Nancy, I had a catch up with her. "So, I've just been trying to prepare things for Christmas. I've got gifts for the children already. Charlie would just like some money.  He's older now so that's not a problem." Asking what the children's presents were, she told me.

"Paige will love that. She's so into coloring and she loves her activities." She then told me about what she'd brought for Caleb. 'He'll love that. Me and Elliot have wanted to help him develop his numbers skills for a while.' She asked me what I wanted for Christmas. 'Ahh Nancy. You don't have to buy me anything.' She insisted. 'I have to. I've never seen my son more happier then when he's with you.' My heart swelled. 'He is honestly so incredible and I cannot wait to marry him.' Nancy agreed. 'I'm glad that you have one another.' As she said bye, I saw my love pop up. 'I've missed you Liv.' He was so handsome. 'I have missed you too. But, I'll be home soon. I love you guys!' They all waved bye as the call ended. Heading back into the canteen, I saw Allison. 'Hey. Are you feeling better?' She nodded. 'A bit. I just wanna go home.' Taking her back to the car, I drove her home. 'Thankyou for coming with me today.' I said that it was my job. 'We'll make sure that he's locked away. He won't get away with this."

As she got out of the car, she saw that the light was on. "Jason must be home." She waved bye. "Tell him that I said hi." As I drove off, I thought about our three children. I loved them very much.

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