Teaching how to dance (Nagikae)

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Nagisa and Kayano were in their living room, watching a movie. A scene played where the two characters were dancing together, which Kayano marveled at.
"Hey, Nagisa?" "Yeah?" "How come we've never danced together before?" Nagisa went silent. He blushed and scratched his cheek. "Um... we've never gotten the opportunity, that's all."
"Why don't we try dancing?" "I'm not sure..." "Come on. I bet it'll be fun!" "Kayano..." "Just one dance." "NO!"
The room went silent, other than the TV audio.
"Oh. O-okay", said Kayano, with disappointment written on her face.
The couple watched the movie further, an awkward silence between them.

The film ended, and Kayano stood up. "Kayano?" The woman stopped to listen to her boyfriend. "I'm sorry. For yelling at you."
"It's fine." "No it's not. I yelled at you for a stupid reason. The truth is, I don't want to dance was because..." Nagisa took a deep breath. "I don't know how to dance."
Kayano turned to Nagisa in shock. "That's what's wrong? Why didn't you tell me?" "I was scared what you'd think of me. I mean, it's embarrassing!" Kayano giggled. "How about I teach you?" "You'd really do that?" "Of course!"

The couple stood in the dining room. "Okay. First, put your arm around my waist. Next, our free hands will hold each other."
Nagisa did as his girlfriend said and put his arm and hand in the position he was told to.
"Now, just move two steps forward, one step back." "O-okay."
For the rest of the night, the couple practiced dancing. Nagisa stepped on Kayano's feet a few times, or would move back at the same time.
Eventually, they got the hang of it. Nagisa danced perfectly with in sync with Kayano. He was so happy, he decided to twirl her, which surprisingly worked.
Finally, they kissed, then Kayano rested her head on Nagisa's chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Thank you, Kayano. For teaching me how to dance." "Your welcome, Nagisa."

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