The perfect gift (Diakko)

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Akko was having a problem. She was currently in the stores, looking for a gift. A gift fir the love of her life, Diana Cavendish.
"Come on! Think! What can I give Diana for Christmas?", the witch said to herself, rubbing her temples. "How can I think of what to give when Diana has everything! She's rich for the love of Chariot!"
Akko sat down on a bench, her head resting in the palms if her hands. She looked around, until her eyes landed on a photo booth. "Wait, that's it!" Akko took out her phone and opened up her photo gallery. "Perfect."

Diana stood in a corner, away from her friends who were currently partying.
The blonde then felt a pair of hands go over her eyes. "Guess who?"
Diana smiled. "Amanda?" "No, silly!" Diana turned around and saw her girlfriend. She looked up and down at her reindeer outfit.
"Cute uniform." "Cute like me?" Diana kissed Akko's nose. "You're cuter."
The couple then continued enjoying the party with their friends.
Then it arrived.
The time.
The time to open presents.
Diana handed over her present to Akko. The brunette excitedly opened it and saw a Shiny Chariot t-shirt. "Wow! This is great, Diana! I love it!" "I knew you would."
Akko then shyly gave Diana her present. "You're nervous? It must be a very special gift."
Diana opened the present and saw a picture frame with a photo of her and Akko in it. At the bottom of the frame stood: Lovers For Life.
Akko rubbed her arm.
"It might not be a perfect gift, but I just wanted to..." She felt a hand cover hers. "Akko, the gift is wonderful. I don't care what it is, as long as it's from you. The perfect gift I've ever gotten, was you."
Akko tried to hold back tears of joy. "I love you Diana." "I love you too, Akko. And merry Christmas." The two girls gave each other a passionate kiss.

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