The perfect plan (Nishikata x Takagi)

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Nishikata walked around his room, thinking incredibly hard on a plan to beat Takagi.
"No matter what I do, she always beats me! It's like she knows what I'll do!"
Then, it hits Nishikata. "Thats it! She knows what I'll do! Because she knows me too well! I'll just act completely different! By the end if the day, I will finally beat Takagi!"

Takagi waited at the crosswalk for Nishikata, who just arrived.
"Hey, Nishikata!" "Hi Takagi." Takagi noticed Nishikata appeared cheerful. "You seem awfully happy today. You have another game planned?" "Nope. No games today."
Takagi was surprised. "Oh. Ok then. So, wanna hold hands on our way to school?" "Hm? Oh, sure." Now Takagi was beyond shocked.
"Usually he gets flustered when I want to hold his hand. What has happened to Nishikata?"

Nishikata sat in class, daydreaming.
"Hey, Nishikata. What are you thinking about? Is it something..."
"No. It's not something dirty. Just daydreaming. That's all." The bell rang, and all the kids left class.

Takagi and Nishikata sat in the cafeteria, enjoying their lunch.
"Hey, Nishikata. Want a sip of my juice?", asked Takagi with a smug grin.
Nishikata nodded and took the juice box, taking a small sip.
Takagi felt like she was about to go insane. "Is something wrong, Takagi?" "That was... that was an indirect kiss!" "I know. But I was thirsty, and you offered, so..."
Takagi felt like she was about to faint.

The school day came to an end, and all the children were on their ways home, including Nishikata and Takagi.
The two were walking home, until they arrived at the spot where they were to separate. "Bye, Takagi. See you tomorrow." "Wait, Nishikata. Before you go, could you give me something?"
"Hm? What?"
Takagi turned her head to show her cheek. "How about a goodbye kiss?"
"This should work. This will definitely make Nishikata lose it."
Takagi's thoughts were interrupted, however, when Nishikata actually kissed her cheek.
Takagi's was broken. So broken, she let out a frustrated scream.
"Takagi? Are you okay?" "No! I'm not! You've completely changed! Everything I've done was to tease you! But you act like it's completely normal! If this is your idea of a game, then you win, okay! There! I've said it!"
Nishikata couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I win?" A big smile formed on his face. "I win! Finally! I beat you, Takagi!" Takagi was shocked. "What? Are you telling me, you've been faking?" "All to beat you. Yes."
Takagi let out a sigh, then smiled. "Well, you've beaten me. Guess that leaves only one option."
"Huh?" "Nishikata, the reason I've been teasing you is because I like you." Nishikata chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, nice try." He then looked at Takagi's face. She had a smile that wasn't like her usual ones. It was one of... honesty.
"Wait, you're serious?" "Yes. I've wanted to tell you for so long, but thought it be more fun to tease you. I then decided, if you ever managed to beat me, I would confess. That day is now."
Nishikata scratched the back of his head. "Well, this is all very new to me." Takagi looked down, fearing for being rejected.
"But, I guess I could give it a shot. How about we try the whole dating thing, and see what happens."
Takagi smiled. "I'd like that." "But no teasing, okay! If you keep doing that, I might change my mind." "Can't I just tease you a little less?" Nishikata thought about it. "Fine. Only a little bit of teasing. Not too much."

And so it was. Nishikata and Takagi started "dating", before Nishikata's feelings for Takagi grew. They then started dating for real, as well as other things to symbolize their love for each other.

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