Surprise at home (Shouya x Shouko)

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Shouya and his wife, Shouko, exited the supermarket, hand in hand, with a grocery bag around Shouko's arm. They put the bag in the back of the car and took their seats, ready to drive home.
Shouya then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out to see that Yuzuru was calling.
"Get over here. Now."
Shouya turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. Shouko looked at the concern on her husband's face. "Yuzuru called. We need to get home quickly."
The vehicle revved up and pulled out of the store parking lot, then set course for the Ishida household.

Shouya and Shouko speed walked to the entrance of the apartment building. They saw the elevator was out of order, so they, frustratingly, took the stairs.
Shouko struggled to keep up with Shouya, but did nonetheless.
They both eventually made it to their apartment. Shouya looked around, but didn't see any damage on the door. None.
He opened the door, which wasn't locked, and saw what Yuzuru called him for.
The whole apartment was a mess. In the middle of the room, sat Yuzuru, her hair through the bushes. In her lap rested Shouya and Shouko's daughter, Kyoko.
"What happened?", Shouko asked using sign language. "All I did was give her a cookie." "How much?" "...Three."
Shouya pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know Kyoko easily gets sugar rush." "I couldn't help it! When she asked, I couldn't resist her adorable face! But hey, at least she's calmed down now."
Shouya walked out the door, until Shouko put her hand on his shoulder.
"I'm okay. Just going to go get the groceries." With a kiss to her lips, he left the apartment to go back to for the groceries.
Shouko looked at her sister. "Clean up?" The deaf woman nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

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