april 5th, 2021

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hello mr choi!!!!

today has been a delightful day— first it started with a tweet update, it looked like you in the car on the way to yg building~ you just looked really captivating in the pictures. like, you always do of course!! but i guess just in these pictures, you're extra radiant~ like you're really glowing lately!! i'm not sure why, but regardless it just makes me happy to see you happy!! you deserve the most happiness ever- and i knew a vlive was coming, but sadly— i slept through this one D: but it's okay, 'cause i got to watch it in the morning and everything worked out fine!!! at first, i was kind of confused why haruto wasn't there,, but then i remembered quarantine stuff :0 which is cool! it was still nice hearing from him on that little message, and it's always super nice getting to hear from you and the others!!! the vlive was so much fun, just like shiho's~~ no matter what, the energy always feels so healing as long as you're there, and as i watched the whole vlive i couldn't help but smile throughout the whole thing T_T you really complete my heart and bring me the most joy imaginable~ and i just wanted to say thanks, you know?

it just feels special too, 'cause it feels like bonding moments~~ of course, any time a fan gets to see their idol they feel closer to them, and i'm no exception :D i just always feel my happiest around you- no matter what other things make me happy, you still do so the most!! i could literally watch you do anything, or talk about anything, the whole day. you just make my heart so happy, and seeing you doing well really gives me energy!! there's nothing i love more than seeing you happy~~ i hope you know how much teumes love and appreciate you !!! so pls dont listen to anyone if they say bad things~~~ im just a little paranoid but i just want you to know that!!! but omg im so excited because now your birthday is officially the next one T_T i got to say- that part of the vlive where jaehyuk accidentally said yedams was next and you got all pouty AAAAAAA i felt bad but it was also kind of cute im sorry, just literally the way you do anything is so precious and i love that about you :DD <33333 you're the sweetest and deserve the best ever~! but thank you for being so healing today, i'm really grateful for every single moment that i get to spend with you. ^^ i feel kind of guilty, since i slept through the live originally. i didn't want to.. it just sorta happened, but.. ah, i won't dwell on it. i think things work out the way that they're supposed to~~ <3 when i watched the vlive and just saw you being happy and cute and all that, i decided something!!

i decided to spring into action and just take a test i'd been putting off- i have a lot of freedom as to my schedule, i've been studying awhile but putting off the test part,, but i felt really happy after seeing you, and i thought you'd give me enough energy to do my best!! and that's exactly what happened!! :D it was just a practice test, but.. i managed to pass ! and i have you to thank for that.. so, thank you!!! it might have been a bit selfish, but i just wanted to let you know how even what seem like the smallest thing to you, can have a big impact on people like me ! cause these tests impact my life a lot- it's the biggest thing keeping me from starting my life goals, and the more i finish.. my parents will finally help me out like they promised, and i'll be on the road to accomplishing my dreams. just like you did!i want to follow in your footsteps, you really set the golden example. anytime i have a hard day, i always think about what you'd do~ that always helps me. every single time, it makes me feel better. i know that no matter what happens, you'll be there to help hehehe.. it's just comforting, like knowing you have a cushion to soften your fall if something goes bad. and if not, it never hurt to have the extra protection <3 you just overall make my life a lot happier!!!

so i hope you feel equal happiness~~ that's just the most important thing to me, always!! you deserve the absolute best~~ <33 so please take care of yourself and don't forget how much teumes love you alright~~ ??? we always have your back, just like you have ours! we're never going anywhere <3 i just hope you have a nice day, pls rest well and eat lots !!! have a nice day okay? i'll see you tomorrow too~~ ty for making today special!!! bye bye

i love you <3!!!

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