june 15th, 2021

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hey, hyunsukkie !!!

i'm super excited today 'cause last night i saw something special got uploaded- 'find your korea'!!!!! oh my gosh it was so much fun to watch, i got overcome with a lot of emotions watching it to be entirely honest~ i'm not sure what came over me, but i was never able to decide what i thought was more breathtaking, the scenery or you, but either way !!!! i'm just happy seeing you, but not just that- seeing your eyes light up with excitement is really cool! i think getting this sponsor gig to promote korea and it's sights is a really amazing opportunity, and it's one that i think you guys really truly deserve!! i really hope that you guys could get more fans this way, even! that'd be very cool~ but for real, i got to see some things in that video that i've never seen before!! even tho i wasn't there directly, just watching you through the screen almost made it feel like i was there in some sense.. getting to see new things for the first time, albeit through a screen- seeing them with you right there, it was really amazing, and definitely memorable!! you guys did a super amazing job at promoting all the sights and also making it fun to watch, but no matter what you guys do i think it'll be a hoot hehe~~

i think just seeing how excited you were was truly the best part of it all though~ even if you tried, you can never hide your emotions !!! they're always very evident on your facial expressions hehe <333 i have three ideas in mind from the video- the first one was on the canoe, you just seemed to be excited trying something new(?) maybe you've done it before, but i bet it was the first time or the first time in awhile doing it with any of the members, and it just looked like you were having fun, even if you looked nervous at some parts too ^^ it also stood out to me how much you seemed to enjoy the food, too! like as soon as you took a bite, the very first bite- you were excited and had a look of 'wow, this is so nice~!' and even kept saying it was delicious, so it made me happy to see you enjoying a nice meal! seems healthy, too!! which is good, you need your nutrients. ^^ but i think the most stand out part is probably right at the end, with the light show^^ you looked emotional but that i honestly really understand, it didn't seem like you guys really expected it so it's just really nice seeing all that happy emotion on your face!! there's going to be more episodes of this, right? i'm really glad! hopefully you get even more excitement and lots of nice memories from this, i'm really glad you got to experience it!!

i know how hard you always work, sukkie ~ i might not see every single second of it, but i know that you're always doing your very best~ and even though it might technically be 'work' filming this, it's still going around and doing things you might not be doing normally, and seeing things you might not have seen before. but even if you have, taking the other members along surely must make it a new experience~! but i know you enjoy your work, so i'm always happy on a normal day too, but this just seems special and it probably gives you time to relax so it just makes me smile thinking about you filming episodes for it :< although,,, i know you tweeted selfies after it went on air- someone zoomed in on the ticket and said you guys filmed it in april? still, that wasn't too long ago:< but i hope you've gotten to film stuff more recently, too~ but as long as you're happy, i'm happy too! plus, me getting to see it- as a treasure maker, it makes me really thrilled hehe <3 i'm happy getting to see content of you, you're a really special person to me and i know you always will be, i'd do anything if it meant you could smile~! youre my everything, ill always support you :D

but i guess that's all for today, most of what i wanted to say was for the 'find your korea' stuff~ it was a lot of fun to watch, but i think 90% of my enjoyment came just from watching you enjoy yourself, i always say how i want to see you happy so any time you're outwardly having a lot of fun, i'm honestly overjoyed~! thank you for making me happy as well <3 i hope today is just as much fun and is just as nice as the day you filmed that episode!  please take care of yourself, eat nice foods and remember that i love you more than anything~^^ you deserve the best!! i'll never get tired of saying that hehe~ but i'll tell you tomorrow, so ill see you then okay!!!! bye bye~~
i love you <333

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