march 9th, 2021

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hello mr choi, my forever favourite boy~

how are you today? i woke up this morning to the most superb and magical thing ever- it was 4 different music videos, all of you guys' title songs, but japanese version !!! gosh it was so cool to see the subtle differences each music video had compared to the original- but you know, i used to be really um.. well, pretty dumb. i used to think that the jpn version music videos were filmed on completely different occasions, and i thought it was amazing how it was so perfectly replicated from the original mv—???? but then i realized,, it's just... filmed at the same time as the main one KGHJSL I REALIZED THIS WITH OH MY GIRL AT FIRST BUT I'M GLAD I LEARNED BEFORE YOU GUYS' JPN MV CAME OUT so i saved myself from looking,, well- a little less dumb :D but it makes me respect you guys a whole lot more, i already did but wow :0 thinking about how much work you guys really must be doing on filming days- i already imagined that you did a lot, but it's truly crazy to think about the extent of what you're doing :0 i hope it's not too exhausting for you,, i mean, i know you enjoy your work but sometimes i still worry if it's too much for you sometimes T^T but the important thing is that you're happy, so that's all i can hope for!! hehe~

anyway- i hope that you know it made my day to see those!!! it was like going down memory lane, but with a new twist to it, it felt really special and i think it's a day that i'll hold close to my heart forever T_T i know that sounds really dramatic, but getting moments like this is just really important to me so i'm very grateful for today :') thinking back on the past and each era made me so happy, but also seeing the flashes of new things really gave the music video a new depth- not just the song :D which of course, i knew they'd differ a bit~ but still, its cool!!! it kind of speaks in a way about how my heart feels for you~ i can think back on older memories but still find new things within them that feel really special! every day with you is always something new, in some sense- in some that i can expect, but some that i could never even imagine, and each little surprise i'm so happy for and just really glad that i have you in my life T_T am i even making sense today?? gosh i hope so, i'm sorry if i'm noot :(( i just want to express my love the best way i can, but sometimes writing is hard!! but i'm working on a little project thing !!! you know how i keep talking about how you make my life rly beautiful and just such a happy thing to live?? i thought, since you guys have a song called beautiful, too- it might be cool if i mixed it with intros from persona 5!! since beautiful was made for an anime, i thought that it might fit nicely with persona? :00. that was my thoughts, anyways~~!

maybe it's a bit selfish to bring that up T_T but you guys, and persona- that's what makes my life beautiful! so i wanted to combine them~ i hope that's okay, really!! i couldn't imagine life without those things, but especially you, 'cause you give me the most depth among every other thing in the whole entire world and every day i'm so grateful for your existence, without question :( i just want to thank you for always being an angel i can rely on, even if my words are failing me today, i'm truly so happy 'cause you're here,, even through all of the hard times that try to ruin me, you're that bright light that i can always rely on and i'm super thankful for it :') but most of all, i just hope you're happy! that's the big thing :D sorry for such a short letter- but i guess it's better to simply just get my point across, than bother you with things that are irrelevant. right? ^^ i have that horrible tendency to just ramble, but i hope you take care of yourself today~ remember to eat well, rest when you can, and know that every single teume is so proud of you for all the work you do T_T you're the most amazing person in so many people's lives, you're always at the top of the list in mine!! you're just rly special, more than words could ever explain. so just take care, and have a nice day- okay?? i'll see you tomorrow, hopefully we can talk more :D but until then, bye bye!

i love you <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें