july 4th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!

how are you today? i'm just sort of here vibin, i guess! i was gonna leave it as a surprise, but there's something i actually am pretty excited about- i started a new drawing of you, finally! my art block cleared up enough for me to be able to try and do something of you, which is really nice, of course! i'm hoping it'll be done before our 950, which there isn't much time left for, now. i'm super pumped >_< every milestone with you is always very special, i'll never get tired of saying that ! but ah, it feels like it's been quite a long while since we've had a milestone- maybe it hasn't been. but i just look forward to them quite a lot, it's like a ray of sunshine among unpleasantries that happen, lately things have been hard. but i just feel like i'm working up from them lately, and that's all thanks to you !!! i'm super grateful, hyunsuk~ you have no idea! i just end up letting these things get ahold of me and sometimes it's hard to do anything at all, but having you around ends up helping me get big bursts of energy and then suddenly i feel happy again- with thoughts of you very prominent in that mind <3 that little smile of yours and that cute giggle that always seems to follow it, you're like a bright ray of sunshine bringing happiness and warmth with you wherever you go- it's such a blessing to everyone around you~ don't underestimate that okay? hehe <3 your ability to make people happy is a very special one!

i do think i saw some new pictures of you today though :> with yedam! it was really sweet, you guys seem to be posting together a lot more lately- have you guys been bonding more? that'd be super sweet, if so~ i know that you're close with all the members ofc but it's always good to establish a deeper bond~ you both are so sweet and really deserve the absolute best things in the whole world <3 seeing a friendship like you have with the members really touches the hearts of the other people around you, like with teumes T_T i swear everyone is just talking today about how sweet you guys have been lately and how they want a friendship like that~~ i think i just feel content watching you two, it's just something nice to see :3 but as long as it involves you, i'm happy ! i'm happy when i write you, i'm happy when i draw you, when i get to edit videos of you, but most of all- i'm happiest when i get to see you , that's when all feels right in my world, and i can just smile because i feel like i know the absolute sweetest 수호천사 in the whole world <3 !!! you're so one of a kind, i honestly can't believe that you're real some times,,, i'm having one of those days :D and in turn, it's kind of hard to form my words but honestly i'm trying my best for you, that's all i can do right? i know you'd do the same hehe, i'm just thinking of you ~

but i guess i shouldn't repeat myself too much- that's all i'm doing :D the purpose of these letters is just to express my daily love and gratitude that i have for you! there's large amounts of both, but sadly my words have seemed to fail me today. but that's quite alright, i'll have tomorrow~ every day is a blessed day since it'll always be a day that i have you in my life <3 anyways ,, as usual- i know you know these things, but i would just like to say them~ please do be sure to take care of yourself! you really should be healthy all the time, esp since i know you're always working hard~ please be sure to eat really well, okay~? it's important to keep up your nutrients:D and rest a lot too since i know you must be busy training and using your energy a lot, it's important to replenish! mental health is also just as important as physical, so i hope that you're happy and feeling well. don't forget that treasure makers always have your back, alright? no matter what happens, we're always here to support you and that won't ever change! i promise <333 i'll always be one of the people that never leave! you're my everything, i want to (and will) support you forever~ so please be healthy! and happy <333 i'll see you tomorrow my favourite boy ! see you then~

bye bye <3

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