may 6th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk!!!

i feel happy~~ i'm sure you know why, knowing the day !! well actually, i'm happy on any given day, so long as i get to spend the time 'with' you, of course~ ^^ i'm jus thinking about how excited i am, for treasure map!! like always, i look forward to this time of the week the very most :< i can't wait to see what happens, i know it'll be great!! as long as you're there, it's always a blast !! i'm writing this part of the letter before the episode comes out, so i have no clue :< but naturally, i always think about the last episode on days new ones come out !! i'm still really proud of you for last weeks episode :< i know how hard it is to do things that scare you, so the fact you went and did something as scary as indoor skydiving and paragliding?? it took some serious guts- i know it must have been hard for you, but you really did an amazing thing and i'm so proud !! it's so commendable, and really inspiring. i keep thinking about it, it just makes me so happy >////< and i know since it's you, this weeks episode will be just as great as the last !!!!!!! you just make me so happy, no matter what it is, i know that i'll be happy as long as you're there <33

yedam day today, too! i know that i've said this before at some point, but the little tweets that you guys do on every members birthday is always my favourite part T.T everything about it is so nice !!! it's cute seeing what different aspects of the birthday boy's personality they talk about, like how jihoon was talking about yedam's positive energy heheh or the cute little pictures that you guys choose to post !!! i really liked the ones that you tweeted of yedam, btw!!! i try not to fangirl over other members too much in here, 'cause these letters are for you- but one of the reasons i have a soft spot for yedam is just it's kind of cool having a guy my age in a group i like so much,, , and i know his voice is a given but i just love his personality hehe he's one of a kind, just like you ! treasure is full of unique and cool personalities, it's such a pleasure to get to know all of you as time passes, it really is the happiest time of my life !!! i really like spending birthdays with you guys as well! i hope that doesn't sound weird, or anything :D i just think that you guys have been so amazing since the very first second i saw you- and naturally people mature and evolve over time, but you guys stay the same in some sense but also become even more amazing and just have new aspects to your personality that are so cool ㅠㅠ

you know hyunsuk- i've liked you from the very first second i saw you, 'cause i knew that you were something special. even with the little i knew at the beginning, my heart still gravitated towards you and everything about you brought me so much warmth and joy, distracting me from all the bad things that were going on at the time, but the more i got to know you , i couldn't help but love you more and more- man, even to this day i keep finding so many new things to love about you, it makes me convinced that i may have genuinely found one of the sweetest people in the world,, there is truly no one like you ~~ but heheheh i guess i'm being too sappy~? the episode hasn't even started heheheh i'll write you afterwards okay~? i just wanted to make sure to tell you how special you are, before the episode started~ cause i know i'm going to be super emotional heheheh ~ i'll ttyl though!! //

ahhhh i love this episode so much!!! t-log episodes are my favourite, like i really enjoy the random episodes like last week where you guys go do something crazy, but i think it's just fun seeing what you guys do on a normal day!! i never want to be invasive, but if you guys are comfortable sharing what you do, i totally love watching!! i really liked being able to see you practice, you totally work so hard- your necklace even broke(?) oh my gosh suk i got so sad for you GKJSH I'D BE SADDD BUT THAT JUST SHOWS HOW HARD YOU WORK !! you're really amazing!! also- i really liked seeing the part after you were done dancing that you sat down to go and tweet to teumes,, like?? it's exactly how i imagined it.. T.T you're just so thoughtful, like you're in the middle of being busy and doing your best, but you still stop to check in on treasure makers!! and i think that it's the sweetest thing in the whole world, you really are so amazing~~ i love t-logs for the reasons like this, 'cause i always see the tweets and videos you post, but never behind the scenes~~ it makes it even more meaningful to hear from you, knowing that it's coming after you training so hard T.T thank you for taking the time to check in on us, even though you're so busy !!!

that was such a fun episode- i truly, really do love these so much and i feel so happy now~~ thank you again, it really does mean a lot!!! i think i'm going to rewatch the episode a few more times, but thank you so much again! i hope you have a nice day as well hehehe <33 i'll see you tomorrow okay~? please take care of yourself sukkie !!! until then, bye bye~~

i love you <3 ^^

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