june 20th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk :p

i'm a little worried about you today :( when i checked twitter today, the first thing i saw was the picture so naturally i was excited to see that you posted, you know? but then i saw the caption and i saw you said you weren't feeling good,,, ahhhh honestly that makes me worried about you !!! i just hope you're gonna feel better soon, and that it won't last long :') i don't think you'll see this letter, or anytime soon, but i just wanna put it out there and say that i hope you feel better as soon as possible :( i hate the idea of you feeling under the weather, so just take care of yourself! you always tell treasure makers to take good care of themselves, right? to look after themselves and eat well? be sure to do the same thing for yourself, too! i'm sure you know that, but it's important so just do the best to make sure you get better- hey, if you want extra rest you could always ask the other members to take care of you, hehehe~ i mean ultimately it's not my business, so i'm sorry if i seem invasive! i know you'll be bound to feel better soon, you're a super strong and cool person, but i just wanted to say something, hehe i'm writing really early in the day, too.

it's fathers day here~ i hope this isn't weird to say, but i hope your dad has a good day :D he did a good job raising someone as amazing as you! that's all i'll say about that cos i don't wanna sound weird talking about your family or anything, but i know i'll be spending more time with my dad when he gets home, so i guess it's on the mind! i know i've talked about my mom before in these letters, how i mentioned she likes you guys.. my dad does too, to a different extent, but still, it makes me happy he shows an interest- and the best part, he knows the most about you!! he even entertains me when we have a milestone, cause i talk about it to everyone!! i know i make a big deal about it in the letters, but i do this exact same thing to everyone around me as well :D hehe it's very important when i reach a new level with you and i just want everyone to know how much i love you and how much you've truly changed my life, you're really so special to me and i love you a whole lot!! that's why i want you feeling at your best all the time, i just hope you feel better quickly hehe maybe i'm being weird but i just worry a little,, maybe too much? i'm sorry if i'm weird! i just care about you, it's only natural~ i love you a great deal- but not just that, it's also returning the care you give towards us :D

you're the most loving and warm person i think that i've ever known, i just want to give you back all of the same kind of love that you give us, you know? just as long as you're happy and healthy, but i know there's days that we can't be either of those. but the important thing is to know that whatever it is, it'll pass- and we always have the people around us to help make it better, and luckily for you, you always have people to cheer you on, care for you and remind you how loved and amazing you are <33 i'll always be here to do my best, if it's for you i'd do anything!!!! don't forget that, okay? absolutely all of it i'd do in a heartbeat for you, you name it and i'm on it! you're my sunshine and i'll protect you from any clouds trying to get in your way~ it might sound weird, but it's just the long way of reminding you i care about you a lot! but hey, the important thing when you don't feel as well is to rest, and get your nutrients, even if you don't feel 100% like it, so please rest and eat well okay? maybe take a day off if you get worse, just look after yourself sukkie!! i'm gonna send you EXTRA good energy!!!!! so don't forget that~ ~ lootssss of other treasure makers are doing the same, so hopefully that energy helps you! but that's all i have to say for now, so i hope you have a good day <333 take care of yourself!!!!! i'll see you tomorrow~ bye bye!

i love you <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now