feb 3rd, 2021

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hi hi to you~

how is my favourite boy today ? : D i hope you're doing well- despite the colder temperatures outside, the warm thoughts of you within my head is just enough to keep me both warm, and happy, like only you can help me with <3 i'm pretty excited :DD today is wednesday heheh and that means,,,,!! tomorrow is treasure map~ since the theme will be different than what the first two were, i'm pretty curious what you'll be up to !! the teaser for season 2 went way further back tho, like during i love you era right?? so i'm wondering if that was just for the teaser or we'll maybe get some old clips in it :0 either way, i'm so excited ~~ also speaking of excited, i'm so curious thinking about this seasons greetings thing that you've all been up to !! i'm still not sure if i'll even be able to afford it, but i know for sure if i can i'll buy it first thing i'm able :') but even if i'm not able to, it makes me really happy just to look at because i can tell you all worked really hard on it to make sure it's nice~ but so long as you guys are there, the end result will always be perfect ! and that's one of the reasons why i always so eagerly anticipate every single bit of content that you guys do ^^ i'm so proud honestly,, it must be really hard- like you guys are doing stuff every day it seems like, and that must be so exhausting but it's never blatant from just looking at your expressions, you all hide it so well and always do your work to the point of perfection- it's rly inspiring T.T

i wonder what performances you'll have this weekend~? i think i heard something about mcountdown, so that'll be fun :DD and probably music core and inkigayo too, right? i don't want to assume, but it's just the pattern i have taken notice to hehehe~ but i'm so excited about it! staying up late for the performances is honestly memories i always hold really fond to me, even when i'm tired and it's hard to function, knowing that i'll be able to see you soon is the biggest reward that i can think of- it really energizes me !!! but then just like there's some nights that i'm really tired, respectively, there's nights that are totally the opposites LOL LIKE? I can just be jumping around bouncing and vibing to everyone else's performances even before you guys' and when i see you? excitement is to the max, I could probably bounce off the walls at that point- it's kind of random whatever mood i'll be in, but the underlying mood that's always there when you guys are performing is the excitement and joy knowing you're going to be there <33 it just fills my heart with so much love and it also makes me really grateful that i have something to look forward to, so once again, i just want to say thank you!!

you know what else i like,, just as much as the performances? it's almost exactly the same thing, i suppose~ since it's from the same stages, but i really like seeing your fancams that come out after!! i like to appreciate all the members because i know you all put in a lot of effort, but sometimes naturally and without thinking my eyes tend to drift to you~ fancams make it a lot easier, and i just smile seeing your little details from the performance c: like the moments before it starts and you just look so happy and excited- or of course, how much fun you look like you're having during the performance, and that proud smile you have when you're done <3 every second you're on stage, from start to finish, is always super enjoyable and it's just such an honour to be able to watch you :DD your smile is always so bright but on stage is especially where it shines and i just am always so happy getting to see more and more fancams pile up over time <3 it makes me the happiest and i hope you know that !!! a lot of my friends cry about your fancams hahah even the ones who bias other members~ no matter who their favourite is, everyone always cries with me about how cute you are T.T

you're the most precious boy in the whole entire world so it makes me happy when other people can appreciate with me, you and all of your amazing little quirks :33 all of your amazing little qualities and cute little details are so endless and i just love appreciating them <3 but ahhhh i just hope you have a good day, okay?~ i hope you'll be happy and well :D just take care of yourself to the fullest that you can okay ? eat when you have time, and do the same for resting too so that your body is replenished !!!! <3 i just want my favourite boy healthy, okay? take lots of care,
i love you <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant