march 10th, 2021

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hello to u!!!

it hasn't been too terribly long since i last saw you, it was this morning for a tweet that you did, but man— i already miss u T_T but it must sound pretty weird if i'm being this clingy, huh~? idk- these days i'm just happier if i get to see you more, there's nothing that makes my heart happier than the sight of you; and i feel like if my day gets to start with one of your tweets, it's a good omen! maybe not as much today,, some things happened that were personally unpleasant, but it's nothing you can't fix :') in fact, like always- you're the only one who can fix it~ you're like my fix-it angel, mr choi~ there's nothing you can't do ! just the sight of you alone is always nice, but i think just reading your words struck a different cord with me today. !!! sometimes, without me even being able to explain it, your words just hit my heart on a more direct note T_T but i think there could be a reason as to why that is? i mean.. i might not be 100% correct, but based on the pictures you posted, it seems like you were in the studio :00 which, that itself doesn't surprise me of course ! you spend a lot of time there, i'd imagine. but the fact you still had teumes on your mind enough to tweet us that, says a lot about your character as always, and it's just super heartwarming :D

I dunno- maybe this is just me, specifically- but like, when i'm busy, the thing i'm doing just kind of takes the forefront and i can't think of much else except my task at hand?? i've been editing a lot of videos for you guys lately, and as a result of that, i've been talking to my friends less than i'd like T^T of course, i understand this can happen and i'm still more than happy to edit for you guys, to try and help in some way, even if it's minuscule? ^^ but my point was just, my attention span can't handle much else other than my task, even if it's something important to me, like my friends, or even sometimes(more rarely) it'll distract me from writing you, to be entirely honest T_T but like i said, that's more rare :0 but it's so so amazing you'll just be in the studio and be like 'ayo wait i need to tweet teume something :33' and then i'll bet you take the time to get nice pictures and maybe even edit them awhile (i certainly do that with any pictures i post- even if it's not of me LOL I'VE SPENT LIKE 30 MINUTES EDITING A PIC OF MY ENERGY DRINK WITH A GAME?) but i just know that with whatever you do, you put your heart into ~~ so i'm sure you take the time to provide the best pictures, and write the nicest things :( although i bet the writing comes easily, your words are always from your heart, and that's probably why they're always the most comforting D:

but no matter what you do- it's bound to make me happy :DD <3 when in doubt, i'm happy to know that you're always there !!! i think i'm gonna draw you again soon- i know that's kind of random,, but i've been trying to go out of my art comfort zone lately, so that i can improve and do better just like you'd do !!!! but gosh,, i'm dying to just do a portrait, specifically of you- that's what i know how to do best, and def what i'm most comfy with :D maybe aaaah i can even add chilli!!! whenever i draw, i try my best to add elements that i think you'd like :> maybe it's something from down to the background with colours you like,, maybe trying my best to do all of your accessories or adding chilli- idk, i just do my best to try things that'd make you smile, even if you don't see them :') 'cause every second you're in my life, you always bring me the utmost biggest amounts of happiness and i can't thank you enough for all of the ways you manage to help me~~ things like spending lots of time on art or anything else, it's really the least i could do :0 you know?~ you work hard all the time, so it's the least i could do!! plus seeing you tweet while you were in the studio,, or even if you didn't tweet them right away, just taking those pics and thinking about teumes while you work is honestly the sweetest thing~ i wonder, does thinking about teumes give you energy? that'd make me happy, 'cause we surely get energy from u !!! you're like our little happy pill hehehe~~

i just hope you're having a good day~ i'm sure that you're probably pretty busy, yeah? i dunno- it might not be fair to assume, but idols always seem busy and i feel like i've seen you post in the studio a lot~ i hope that you know i'm really proud of you, you're truly doing so amazing and being your fan has brought me nothing but the best vibes i could ever ask for!! no matter what happens, every day rly is so magical since i get to see you so often- you're my biggest blessing~ so every single day i spend lots of my time just praying that you're happy and healthy~~ i want that for you , more than anything else T_T don't forget okay~? pls rest well when you have time- when you get home, just do things that aren't too taxing and just relaxing okay? :D also pls eat lots, even when ur in the studio~ just make sure you have lil snacks with you for when you get hungry :DD but, you know your body best and therefore know how to take care of yourself best- so i'll leave it to you~ but i just wanted to say that real quick :D the most important thing, just remember that teumes love you with our whole hearts, and i hope that you have an amazing day~ be safe, and i'll see you tomorrow! until then, bye bye <3

i love youu~~ <3 ^^

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