february 15th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk~!

how are things going for you ? i'm sure that no doubt, you're probably busy by now~ you guys japan debut is next month, right? i'm sure there's stuff you have to do~ and thinking about it is honestly really exciting :D i'm just wondering what it all will entail, but at the end of the day, thinking about everything that could come along with it just brings me a lot of excitement and i can't wait for the days to keep drawing closer— you know, i was so excited thinking about how you our 850 is going to be close to the 1 year anniversary since i played persona 5 royal, but i guess this was me being selfish because you guys japan debut is the same day- i'm sorry it didn't register in my brain, i was being selfish again :( i'll try to be better for you, i promise !!! i'm really excited, so i don't know why it didn't register,, but ahhh since you guys are gonna debut for japan too, wouldn't it be cool if you guys could do a song for persona, too? or just any video game in general, i think that'd be really amazing..!!! i mean, you guys already have done songs for an anime,, maybe i'm reaching too much- i just think it'd be so amazing hehe but no pressure of course !!!<3 i'm just spouting nonsense, huh? i guess it's just one of my dreams heheh but i don't want to seem like i'm nagging you~ <3

i hope that more importantly, you're having a good day. i mean? you just haven't tweeted in like 2 days- so that's sort of why i'm assuming you're busy~ it's oka tho, pls don't feel bad if you don't tweet T.T i know you like to make teumes happy, we understand!!! but i guess i just consider myself a curious person is all, but if anything it just makes me really proud thinking about how hard you must working, and that makes me want to do my best to my full ability, too !!! today is monday, a whole new week for opportunities to start fresh and to do even better than i did the week before- i bet you're one of those people who tries to see monday as the start to something fresh, or just in general being positive— so that's why i'm trying to act like that !!! you're just overall such a positive person and it's really inspiring, so i just want to spread good energy just like you do !!! everything about you is just the most positive and perfect thing~~ and honestly, sometimes just your voice is the thing that'll energize me the most :D <33

i'm listening to come to me right now~~ i know that it's kind of old by now, but i still can't get tired of it :0 it's easily my favourite song by you guys, everything about it is just so perfect and i feel so happy without fail, every single time i listen to it <33 it's like you took artwork from a museum and turned it into music form for people to listen to, but made it better !!! that ..probably didn't make sense, but i'm just trying to really emphasize that i think it's a perfect song and you guys did amazing !!! not just because of your part, even tho that's my favourite hehehe~ i just think the whole song flows really nice <3 you guys~ man you just don't know how to make a bad song :D <3 everything you do is nothing less than perfection and it's always the most pleasing things to my ears to hear~ it's no wonder you guys got so many awards for roty~ everything you do is gold !!! <3 not to mention the choreography and crazy stuff you do on stage~ just everything you guys do is perfect, but when i see you doing anything at all suk you just make my heart so !!!!! freaking full and happy, you have no idea <3

but ahhh i guess for the rest of the night i'm going to just study a little, listen to you and your nice voice, think about your bright smile and it'll help me handle anything~ thank you for giving me so much motivation all the time !! i hope your day is going the best, because you deserve it more than anything !!! <33 no matter how busy you are, please take time for the important stuff like eating when you get time for a break !!! it's like a two in one, you get to rest and sit while you eat but also replenish your energy~ but just resting by itself is good too~ just take care, do what you have to do :D <3 i'm proud of you, bc no doubt you're working hard and doing your best, so i'll try to follow your example and do the same !!! remember that you're amazing and you make everyone's life a much happier one as long as you're in it <33 have a great day sukkie~
i love you~!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now