feb 8th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk!!

i wonder what you're up to, today— probably busy, it's tuesday for you, right? i have another test to study for so i'm gonna be preoccupied during the week too :0 but to be honest, i'm prioritizing your letter first because above all else, that's the most important thing to me~ i just want you to be feeling all of the love i have for you within my heart since it's really plentiful amounts~~ but lately those words tend to be escaping me a lot? i just hope it's not noticeable in the letters, so i'm putting in a lot of extra effort to make sure that you notice all my feelings :DD because so effortlessly, your feelings to teumes are so easy to tell and your words always go straight to our hearts, and that's always the most touching thing!! so i want to do the best for you in the same way, because it's a special feeling when words reach your heart, so i want you to have all of that kind of special happiness!!! you're like one of the world's biggest angels because of how you help everyone, it's really amazing honestly to think of the scale of how you help people?? there's at least a million treasure makers and a very large amount is specifically fans of yours and very dedicated to you- it's rly a beautiful thing, they spend so much time using the right words, making edits for you and just being amazing fans because they want to do the same thing i do- to repay you for being such a heartwarming person to them..

you really enhance our lives- you're just there, doing your things, showing your talents and your kind personality. even if no one knew what you were like, you could still draw so many fans in just with a single glance at the talents you showcase every time you go on, it's so dazzling and so many people can't take their eyes off of you for this reason. your talent shines so brightly and you almost make it look effortless- which, i know you put a lot of effort into performances, but you're so talented you make it look easy :DD you really do have such an amazing talent i think you were born with~ it's just so special, and i honestly mean it..!!! i've never seen anything like it before in my life, i really do believe you're something so special to this world; and that's just on stage alone. when you add your personality into the mix, it changes it to another level. are a lot of people in the world kind? yes, of course. but to the level that you are, so selfless and always thinking of everyone around you.. it's just !! it makes people feel comfortable around you, even if they've never met you. just being a fan of someone like that really makes you feel safe around them, someone like you really is the definition of comfort idol. bc even if we've never met you personally, we all know that if we ever did, you'd treat us just as warmly as you do every single person you meet and that in itself could naturally make anyone become enamored with your charms..

there's just so many reasons to love you- and over time i keep finding more and more, like i said in that 800 day letter, time has given me the luxury to find more depth to the reasons why i love you and also keep finding new things, you're really the most beautiful enigma life has ever thrown in my direction, and i'll be happy to spend the rest of my life supporting you, it'll be healing for my own heart but most importantly i hope that the more support you receive, it makes you happier..!! i just really hope you're happy, someone as sweet as you deserves that! i worry just sometimes, because i think that if you take care of so many other people this well, i worry if you neglect yourself because you're too focused on others, that goes either physically or mentally but either way i just hope you're all right !!! i hope that at least if you aren't, teumes are taking care of you in some way!! we can't make you rest or eat enough~ that'd be impossible :p but we can provide our love, in hopes that it'd make you happy~~ that's why i'm always trying to pour my heart out for you, and do what i can !! you really do mean a lot to me, so i hope that you can tell, and that it makes you happy!! which, speaking of things i want to do for you.. i have an art idea, so i'm gonna try to draw that tomorrow :DD <3 i don't know when i'll finish it, but having a head start never hurt~~ like always, i'll spend a lot of time to make it perfect!!! <3

but yeah~~ i just hope that you know you're very well appreciated by so many people around the world, always and forever <3 we always have your back, because you have ours!! :DD <3 just don't forget that okay? we want you to take care of yourself well too so don't forget to eat lots, and rest when you have time !! idk what you're up to, but since they're important i hope you can make time okay?? and be sure to read tweets from teumes,, all the nice words hopefully will give you energy!!! you deserve the absolute best things in life and nothing less, so i just want you happy and healthy in every aspect, alright~? take care and have an amazing day!! i'll see you tomorrow sukkie~~

i wub u :D <3

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