may 2nd, 2021

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hi hyunsukkie !!

how are you?~ i hope that you're doing well !! much hasn't happened today, yet im still thinking about you primarily :< i guess that's nothing new- you're always the forefront of my thoughts, but thinking about you really makes me a lot happier !! hehe ,, i've just been wondering if you guys are really going to make a comeback in june? i really hope so, it'd be nice to see you so frequently again- it feels like it's been awhile,, but i am really grateful for what we do get !! you know, it's kind of funny thinking about it, actually- you guys haven't had an account on weverse very long but somehow i can't imagine my life without it at this point,, it's just something really special and i always enjoy seeing what everyone has to post, but i guess it's just natural that i look forward to yours the most. T.T your words are always the sweetest to read,,, and weverse, to my knowledge.. it doesn't have a character limit, does it? there's just so much more potential for it, and it makes me giggly to think about :> i also enjoy the random posts or pictures, it just seems like you guys have a lot more freedom to post and it's such an amazing thing, checking weverse has become something i rly look forward to !!

but eee you know? i guess it doesn't matter- twitter, instagram, ya know, it's all the same when it comes to getting to see you- i'm always grateful . it could be literally anywhere- it could be a youtube video, tweet, weverse, or even something super old school like a pager hahah (one of my games set in the 80s.. the characters had pagers and im ngl i didn't even know what it was before the game??) just hearing from you is enough to make me smile, and remind me that you're always there to help me smile !! <333 nothing makes me happier than u ~~  i know i say that a lot but it's really 'cause it's true,, anywhere i look i swear i always still think about you T.T but omg ya know,, i think my art block is finally clearing up a bit so i think that means i'll be able to draw you !!! i'm excited, it's been a really long time, plus i'm able to put all my feelings into art a lot better than my words sometimes ,, which is funny cause i have more pride in my writing T.T but i can always sleep easy at night as long as i know i'm doing my bet for you, since you do the same for teumes ~~ but ahhh !!! i don't think i can think of much else to say for now (i'm sorry~)

i just hope that you have a good day like always~~ it's monday for you, right? i think so,, timezones are still really confusing for me :0 but i hope that you have a nice week !!! please eat well because it's important to replenish~~ whether youre practicing your dancing (if it's dancing you're doing a lot of.. it'd be cool if you did another video for twitter~~ if you felt like it!) or just in your studio, i am wishing you all of the best luck <33 i'm so proud of you, and i hope you know that you're doing amazing! but in the mean time, PLS TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ! I want my favourite boy happy and healthy <333 but i guess that's all, sorry i couldn't express myself better T>T i'll try again tomorrow, though!!! you deserve the best, so i'll always work hard, okay? i'll see you tomorrow hyunsuk!!!

i love you <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon