april 12th, 2021

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hey sukkie !!!!

i feel a bit more energetic than yesterday which is kind of funny 'cause i technically didn't sleep very much- but just thinking about you is enough to get me through the day, so i'm super happy!! i saw that you posted this morning, so it made me really happy :') i swear you're the sweetest person ever,, it always admires me tbh that you keep your promises to upload and just checking up on us so often when i know that you're busy, it must be really hard but gosh you're doing really amazing you know that? and just being so sweet to treasure makers all the time is like the icing on top of the cake~~ everything about you is so lovable, always~ i just wanted to say that i really enjoyed the pictures, too !!! i always think that you're perfect in almost every single way possible, it just makes me want to work harder when i see you doing the same !!! whether ur in the practice room, your studio, or even at your dorm, i know wherever you are- your heart is fully into the things you're working on and you're a really hard worker, so it wouldn't surprise me that much if you spent most of the time at your dorm working on stuff too~~ but i think it's cool, i couldn't imagine working that much- but i hope i can get there one day, too!

sorry if i'm not making much sense- hehehe i just want to try and express myself the best that i can~ it surprised me 'cause earlier one of my friends said that she thought i was pretty good at writing your letters, but i just try to put to words what i'm feeling- you know? feelings in your heart are very particular, it's always hard to explain them with your words- they're special and sometimes when you try to explain it, you can lose the feeling if you don't use the right words~ it can take awhile because you want to 'translate' it from your heart to your writing accurately, but when i write you- things always just come out so naturally. i always enjoy writing you, more than anything else in the world. i always have so many positives strong feelings towards you so ~~ most days i can just write forever and ever, and even when i'm done i still feel like i could write about more.  but then- i'm still human :< there's some days that are hard to write,, but still, even tho i feel bad on some days i can't write you a good letter, i still feel better thinking there's days you must feel the same :[ like not everyone is perfect and does super well all the time, although i hope you don't have too many days like that, 'cause i know they're frustrating~ but i know the difference must be you handle them really well! and positively, too. i don't think i could :<

your positive attitude is one of the best things about you~ but there's always so many endless good things about you ^^ and as time goes by, i think you become an even sweeter and amazing person, i'm so happy to be your fan you know? every day, every single moment and every single second as your fan just feels like total heaven for me and i'm so grateful to know you~~~ i feel like i might not have said it in awhile (?) but i want to say thank you ~~ you make our lives feel a whole lot warmer, and i just want you to know that~~ you're our special boy, always and forever!! so i hope that you have a nice day hehehe please eat well, 3 meals- and rest a lot, when you're able to! i'm cheering you on, so i hope you receive some positive energy from that !!! i love you with my whole heart, that affection only grows more with each day~ i'm just so happy to know you hehehe but again, i'll see you tomorrow !! please be well and take care, bye bye~

i love you !!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now