jan 15th, 2021

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hello!! it's so nice to be writing you today- first i wanna say sorry T_T i think i got confused yesterday thinking you had a show last night,, but you did have a fansign!!! it's always super nice seeing the clips from it ~~ <3 you have such a warm and pure heart and to see it in action always makes me happy!! one of my friends earlier said that you speaking in english makes her heart very giggly and just generally makes her really happy- and it just made me think, your words reach the heart no matter what because you're always so sincere and especially, so well spoken!! a lot of people are genuinely kind however to your extent is rare, plus even then it's hard for some people to exactly express what they're thinking but you manage to do so very well in that and i think that's why you manage to make everyone's heart go fluttering  :DD i was just really happy watching the clips, it boosted my mood in a lot of ways i can't describe but one thing i do want to get across is that i love you very much and i'm so thankful for every happy moment you give me <333

but you know what happened today~? i think i mentioned this during the blueroom and the letter last night-but the tracking on my albums was right!! honestly it was hard for me to even believe initially because it was so soon- i usually have to wait at least over a week, omg i've never gotten my albums the same week the music video came out!!! i was just so excited- but i think out of all you guys' albums, this album is quite honestly my favourite in terms of packaging and just all of the stuff but each version had so many cozy cute pictures of you that actually made me scream!!! like this is the most loud i've ever been opening an album- the last 3 i just cried a lot because i was so overwhelmed with happy emotions~ this time, i was happy as well! but more so this time i guess i just harboured a lot of excitement and didn't know what to do with it~ so every time i saw you i kind of had the tendency to scream~ it might be weird and i apologize for that but it's just something that i couldn't really help~< 3 i was so excited to see you!!! i didn't pull any of your stuff actually, like hologram card- photo cards, none of that. but i was still happy!!! i'm grateful that i was just able to get the album~ i know that not a lot of people are able to get them, so i try to remind myself that i'm lucky for being able to buy it in the first place :33 <33 i love you all so dearly, so i think just having the albums at all and anything that's of you guys makes me happy and i wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world, these special moments with you<3

like no matter what, you guys just give me so much to be happy about and i can't thank you enough for all of the smiles you give me. like from the happy moments while i edit, to all of the new feelings while i watch new content and i feel like i get to be closer to you through that~ or just anything, sometimes i can't name stuff that's specific but i'm just happy to be around you <333 i think tonight you guys have a show but i'm not sure,, honestly i'll check before going to bed but i traumatized myself because i got it wrong today but i guess it was my subconscious taking over, i just really wanted to see you KSGHJK I JUST LOVE YOU GUYS PERFORMANCES it's always something that'll make me happy and it's always so worth staying up for <33 you make me beyond happy and i just think you're the most special and sweet thing in my life~ hehehe i said that for a reason btw! i'm not sure if i mentioned this, but the night of the countdown live for 'my treasure', i stayed up like i mentioned before- but i napped about 30 minutes before the live. i couldn't quite rest properly, but i was playing this song from persona 5 called 'sweet'. i think it fits you perfectly, you're the sweetest guy i know and it's just a very chill song that makes you feel happy when you listen to it <3 since i'm super happy when i see you, it's natural i'll play a song that brings similar feelings :3

it might seem random to bring that up~ but that song is just kind of an association of happy memories that came along with that night and waiting for one of the lives that would end up being very special to me- along with the music video and albums themselves that are nothing less than masterpieces!! i feel so lucky to be here during the moment of this era~ anyone can be a fan at any time, but it feels really special to be here for the moments as they happen, you know? enjoying the livestreams in the moment, being there in the same time as you- staying up for the performances to see them in the moment, just all of those little things feel really special and i'm so happy seeing you so often T_T i can't explain it that properly but just experiencing it as it happens and seeing all of the little things you do and being there to support you along the way, makes me feel so grateful and happy <3 but as long as i'm supporting you, i'm always really happy <3 but ahhh today was really special and i'm super thankful to have you around!! <33 you make every day really special~ i'm so happy to have gotten the albums and to have completed my collection today!!! it was an overall really special and nice day and it's always because of you~ you saved me, once again.

i hope you have a nice day!! you deserve to feel your best all of the time and i want you to always be happy and healthy so please take care of yourself, alright? i hope that you eat when you can, rest when you can, remember that you're very loved by lots of people and that everyone who knows you is so thankful for your kindness all the time <33 thank you so much!! i'm so glad that you're in my life. i'll always do my best for you, since you do the same for treasure makers!! <3 you're a really special guy, you know? just please be well, be safe, be warm and be healthy!! i'll see you tomorrow okay?
i love you!!! <3

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