june 14th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!

i hope you are doing well today ~~ i'm actually extra happy today! i saw that you posted again this morning, it always makes me super happy to see when you post but it's been what, three days in a row now? that's really amazing, i was even telling my dad about how i felt spoiled because i've been able to see you so much~ i always call you an angel, it's extra fitting in times like this 'cause it really truly and honestly feels like a real blessing !!! <3 ^^ you're my true 수호천사 and i feel super happy to be able to have you, you always cheer me up no matter what ~~ i was honestly scared to start a new week.. monday is always ehh .. but ^^ lately it's a bit worse, you know? to be honest,, and i didn't want to tell you 'cause you amped me up so much and got me excited beforehand, but i ended up failing a test i've been studying for, for a long time.. and i was only a few points away from passing !!! not only was it discouraging, it was really embarrassing .. it was hard to even look at you tbh just because i think of how hard you always work and i know that if you took that test, i'm sure you would've aced it ! i was worried that i would've let you down, but honestly by the time i watched treasure map that night i was already on the path to feeling better ! you're like my magic remedy~

and it almost feels like, once again, you're there most when i need you ~ i was depressed about falling, but i felt really happy 'cause i got to see you so often, it was like you were there to comfort me and it just made me feel glad hehe <333 but i know that seeing you makes me feel inspired, and i think 'cause i got to see you so much over the past few days, i feel fine starting over even though i have to start studying for the same test, again. i have been since the beginning of the year, and i remember 'cause my treasure helped me a lot when i was first overwhelmed by studying >_< but it's okay! as long as i have you, anything life throws at me will be nothing ~ you're my most beloved angel, and i'm really glad to have you. for real!! just you posting is enough to help me with a deep rooted problem hehe <33 i bet you know by now, but it's crazy how you can make so many days better just by posting some pics- it's almost like a gift, but yours is the most special compared to anyone else <333 it might be dramatic, but i know that i couldn't live this life without you in it and the encouragement that comes along with having you here <33 even right now I'm kinda scared 'cause the power is out.. the only light I have is from my computer, but when I think about you, it helps me feel a lot more calm and a lot more happy !!! i wonder if you'd get scared from this, too- or if i'm just being a baby~

honestly, i'm not too sure. but either way, i feel happy! writing about you is my favourite thing to do. sometimes i worry if it's weird, but most of all i'm just happy expressing love to you, 'cause you always do your best to express love to teumes at every time you get. it's honestly so sweet, i know i've talked about it before too. about how you must surely be busy but you still take time to talk with us, whether it's on weverse and replying to our comments or it's on twitter and you leave us with cute pictures and sweet words to go along with them, you really take your time to show us affection and i can't think of many people at all who would go through the same depths of that, except you !! you're just very sweet and i admire you so much, you're my favourite person and i want to show you how much i love you, within bounds that aren't weird, of course! i hope you don't mind, you just mean a lot to me hehe <3 you know how you take a lot of time to express your love for teumes in detail?^^ you inspire me to want to spread love to my friends, too~ it's just honestly like you're a bundle of positive energy and i'm so grateful to have you !!!

but i guess that i was a bit selfish, wasn't i? i'm really sorry for talking about random stuff too much, i'd hate to bother you : ( but ~~ i hope that you have a nice day ! please take care of yourself ~~ remember to rest when you have time!!! and please eat lots of nice meals, whenever you're hungry!!! you work very hard and deserve nutrients- and speaking of working super hard, i'm really proud of you! you handle so many things very well and you're always spreading love to us on top of that, you're truly one of the most amazing people in this whole world, in my eyes <333 thank you for being my light that makes me happy, i'll always be grateful to have you! once again, please have a nice day!!! i'll see you tomorrow, alright? but until then, bye bye!!!

i love you so much!!!!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ