may 23rd, 2021

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hey, hyunsukkieeee~

how is my favourite boy? i'm wondering about ya, today~ i have not a lot to do today, except think about you. well, i actually did do a lot. i finished editing a video, i beat the game i've been playing for about the whole month? i even edited another video in like maybe like 30-40 minutes, or so (persona related, but i added you guys into it! it's like old ones i did, i just made a fake game intro using you guys old teasers you've uploaded) but even despite all of that, my mind keeps going back to you. ^^ so,,, i just wonder how you're doing, i don't think you've posted or anything. if ya did, i missed it- i don't have twitter on my phone right now, but i still find ways to check! since you are the most important person to me in my whole entire life, i'm always grateful for how you manage to help me no matter what happens. there's a lot to be grateful for in life, but you're always my number one. and since i'm so grateful to have you, the same thought keeps appearing~~ i just want to see you today, honestly. i mean, i don't want to be selfish 'cause i know you're busy, but anything would be nice.. a vlive, that'd be so cool?i've been seeing the other members individual or mini unit(?) lives and i just think it'd be so cool if you could do your own, soon . but i think i probably just need to be patient, right? i know the time will come, and that goes for anything. ^^

i'll always wait for you, so no worries! i'm just thinking about you a lot, it's only natural that i'd want to see you~ hey tho , i am sorry if i seem pushy,, it's just only that i wanna see you a whole bunch and i honestly can't help myself ahhhh~~~ you always help my mood a lot- and today,, and yesterday kind of have been.. the days i was scared about. i'm not handling it well like i hoped i would have ,, but things feel a lot better with you here. like they always do! you're someone i can rely on, and i'm super happy to have ya~ so thank you for being my sunshine hehehe i'm so glad to know you,, even just thinking about you is enough- so if i can't see you, i'll still be happy!! but i do hope maybe a treasure tmi will get posted or maybe even better- a comeback info? hehehe maybe i'm asking for too much, maybe just a tweet would help~ but i know what the best thing of all would be, and that would just be knowing that you're happy- and i don't need a tweet to know that, would it be nice? of course, but i don't want to pressure you, i'm sure you're happy enough, by the sides of your members anyway. i'm always here for you too- don't forget okay?

i don't really wanna bug you or anything, so i guess that i'll stop the letter a bit short today. i'm not really sure what to say, and i don't think i'd say anything useful to add- so i just want you to know i care about you a lot and that i'm always here for you no matter what happens, you're my number one person in this world and no matter what happens.. ya always help me, so i just want you to know you're really special to me. and so many others, too. you make our lives the most special, and give us a reason to keep going. i wouldn't want to live without you- you're my motivation and my happiness :) so i just hope that your'e well~ ~please take care and have a nice day,,, i'll see u tomorrow alright?? pls be healthy and happy..

i love u <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora