april 20th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk, mr birthday boy !!

i'm so happy seeing all of the birthday tweets from the members T_T gosh, i've thought about it all day but it keeps coming back to my head- i was so excited to see all the things the treasure makers would have to say to you,, but seeing all the sweet things the members tweeted about you and all the pictures they posted along with it were really heartwarming and i feel super lucky that i got to see all of it T_T i'm so glad you're surrounded by people who cherish you so much~~ you deserve all of the love in the world and just seeing you receive so much of it is my most favourite thing :DDD and speaking of receiving love- i have your birthday letter ready~~ first i just want to say i'm sorry, it's not as long as i usually write them but i've just been kind of busy lately and it's hard to manage writing with studying, but of course i still made plenty of time to write because to me your birthday is one of the most important things in this world !!! so i hope you'd enjoy it, i tried my best for you like i always do <3333 anyways here is the letter !!!1


I first want to start this simply, and straight to the point I want to get across first: happy birthday! This is a day that I think should be celebrated to the absolute fullest, because you're someone who makes the lives of everyone so much brighter, just by being in this world- so I think a day where we can try and return the favour, and to give you some kind of joy in return, would be nothing less than the best thing ever. At least for me, that's my 100% goal, you're my number one and I want you at your happiest all the time~ I think this birthday is particularly one of importance as well, considering that it's your first one since you've debuted and a lot of things have changed since last year. It must have been hard, you guys were so busy for so many months at a time with so many album releases close together; yet at the same time, it was hard to find evidence of that exhaustion from your features, just because you're always someone who seems to thrive in those situations; when you're working and with treasure makers is when you seem to glow the most, and it's just made me so happy, seeing how happy you are ever since you've debuted~ You naturally are such a bright and positive person, like your existence has always put such a positive impact on this world, so celebrating the anniversary of your existence entering the world is really important to me. After all, a lot of people couldn't make it in this world without you~ at least, I know that I couldn't manage it.

Your birthday really has so much significance to me since it signifies the day that a real life angel entered this world- I know it's a heavy thing to say, and I hope that it wouldn't embarrass you, but you really have the real life affects of an angel and you constantly help me and so many others in the same way that an angel would, just by being yourself all of these years, you've helped so many people through unspeakable problems and I just want to use all of my energy to express how great you are because I love you so much, and I want you to feel all the affection T-T What better day to receive all of that than your birthday, you know~? When I think about you, just in general as a person and as a whole- I think of someone who's entirely selfless, and always looks after everyone with such a high priority~ sometimes I think it's easy to imagine you probably tend to put others before yourself. It's really commendable, honestly— not a lot of people are that ready to help others to such extents, but it doesn't even take any thought or any extensive inner deliberation. You're just ready to do it, and that speaks volumes about your personality. You make so many people feel comfortable, warm, happy and safe; I honestly spend a lot of time thinking about how great you and Jihoon both are as leaders T.T I always thought, even before you guys debuted, that you'd make the most perfect leader just given how sweet you are as a person.

I always thought of you as an angel, because to me, you are one, so naturally I couldn't imagine you not being a leader- it's so evident in your actions, even down to the way you look at the other members to see how deeply that you care for them. Though, the way you comfort people doesn't just stop at your members- it goes to treasure makers too, but on a way I've never seen an idol connect with fans before. Of course, each idol holds some kind of love to their fans, but the way you express it is unlike any other I've seen before, and absolutely anyone can tell from just your eyes alone how it genuinely means a lot to you. People can't fake that sparkle of enthusiasm in their eye, it's either real or it isn't, and it's easy for anyone to see how much you truly value the time you get to spend talking to teumes. Not just at fan signs though- whenever you tweet, it's easy to tell it's you just from the first few words because you'll always start it by greeting us T_T It's just these little cues in your personality that really show us how sweet you are, and it's these very same things that can comfort us when we're having drastically bad times. It's the kind of thing we think back on when we need a reason to smile, and your whole existence in itself is a gigantic reason to be happy~ you're honestly one of the most special people I've ever found in my life, you know?

I love taking the time to write you the nicest things I can think of, because you use your words and your voice in this life to bring positivity to others. A lot of people don't speak up at all, or use it for bad things- but you try your best to make the world around you, a super special and sweet one. Wherever you go, the room lights up- and over time, you keep blossoming like a flower and I just simply cannot get over how amazing you are~ I could say it forever, but never grow tired of it.. I truly think you're an heaven sent angel. So I just want you to enjoy your day above all else~ and it'd be selfish to keep rambling on a day that's meant to just celebrate you- but I just hope that you know how much I cherish you. ^^ more than anything !!! so please have a nice birthday, I'm sending you all the love in the world my heart could muster and then some more~ you deserve the best, every single day, you know? not just your birthday, but at least on a day geared towards celebrating your life, you deserve extra :D so please take care, my favourite boy.

I love you always, and forever.
happy birthday, mr choi <3


that's all for the letter so i hope you enjoyed it, that mostly concludes the daily letter as well :DD but i look forward to the vlive!!! i hope i'll be able to make it live, but if i watch it late.. i want to say sorry in advance T>T but hey , i just hope you have a fun time regardless 'cause that's the most important thing ever! you know? i just want you to be happy- so please take care of yourself, enjoy yourself on vlive and focus on all of the love that you receive because you deserve it more than anything~~ ~i'll see you tomorrow birthday boy !!! let's talk a lot tomorrow too~~

i love you more than anything else in the world~~
always and forever !!!!
<3 <3

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