february 23rd, 2021

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hi hyunsukkie !!!

i hope you're having a great day !! <3 i've been so excited to write you all day- like gosh,, i've just missed you !!! like this might seem weird, it's only been 24 hours or so since the last time i've written you but just the time in space that i get to be around you truly makes me the most happy and i'm just soooo excited to write !!! literally not much has happened at all today, i'm just so excited to write you— and okay i don't want to be selfish either but can i tell you something??? i'm super excited because!! a new persona game came out today, and i've kind of been thinking about and contemplating if it'd be something you like or not- as i do with all the other persona games :') i know you play games sometimes but still, i'm not sure if persona would specifically be something you'd like?? what i think, if anything, would catch your interest, would probably be the soundtrack!! it's totally funkier than any of the other games and i'm so pumped about it, i think that's why i kept thinking about you so much while i played T_T i didn't get to play a lot, maybe just about an hour? but between the fact i got to play a game i've been really excited about and i thought about you near the whole time that i did, it probably was one of the best parts of my day, and i think it was just extra enjoyable just because you were there <333 hehehe you always take something that's great already and make it even better, and i just want to sayyyy thank you !!!

my letters must be so repetitive every day- i never want to bother you, or be selfish, but i thought it might be a fun change of pace to talk about the new persona and tell you how it made me think of you :') but primarily i'm just thinking about how your day must be going, 'cause i have no definite idea of what you're doing- but i think i saw some new pics from your fansites so maybe you're up to something? but i do want to say sorry, bc i've fallen so behind on their pics that i have no idea what you're up to T^T i hope i'm not a bad fan 'cause of it, i've just been busy, that's no excuse bc you still manage your time rly well, but i just wanted to say sorry :DD </3 but whatever you're doing, i hope you're enjoying yourself to the fullest and enjoying all of the experiences that come your way because you deserve all of the utmost happiness in this universe above all else !! even if i don't know what you're really up to within the day, i do know that i'm definitely just rooting for your happiness !!! i just hope that i'm not a horrible fan T_T you've done so much for me that i'd really feel guilty if i wasn't doing that in return,, i've seen a lot of people posting abt you guys' seasons greetings things !! and i'm just feeling a little bit guilty that i wasn't able to afford it, still T_T hopefully in the future i can go back in get it!! i hope you won't mind if i randomly write you about it when i buy it at some random point in the future—

but even for those times i can't get the newest things you guys release (like i've missed a lot of physical merch on yg select :/) there's one thing i'll always have— my wallet might be lacking money, but my heart is never lacking love !! i'm always thinking about how amazing you are and how warm hearted you guys are T_T it rly just makes me so happy to think someone as sweet as you is out there every day, leaving such a positive impact on the world~~ you just mean a lot to me and thinking about your bright smile and warm energy that you give to everyone around you, it just always fills me with the utmost joy ~~ <3 :D that's the treasure effect- you guys truly make the world such a happier place, because you leave a long-lasting effect to the heart of every treasure maker you reach~ i wouldn't even be here if i hadn't found you, it's amazing to think about how you've probably had a lot of similar effects on so many other people across the world :DD you're such a remarkable person, i'm sure the ppl you've reached truly is endless- even for non treasure makers, i'm sure just random people you meet even at some random convenience store can see how much of an amazing person you are, and your smile alone can be enough to brighten their day and leave a long enough lasting effect to help them get through their day~ that's the kind of amazing guy you are, and i hope you know that !! <33 :DD

sorry tho— i didn't mean to be that sappy, i just rly want to remind you how remarkable you are~ there's not a lot of people like you in the world, so that's why i remind myself every single day to be extra grateful that you were there to save me :33 even on the rare slim chance i could have handled any of that without you, my life wouldn't be what it is now, just a shell of it i guess,, if that much. but you took my whole life like it was a colouring book and filled all the pages and each chapter with so much life and vibrancy, you're the magic key to a happy life and all i want is to repay you for how you help me every day :D <3 so i think my way of repaying you for now, is just simply going to be working as hard as i can in the endeavors i've set out for myself !!! i think i'm definitely going to make some time aside for letter writing, for our 850 and your birthday- i think another reason why i thought about you so much while i played persona was because that was supposed to be one of my presents but i got it early sksks so i think since i was already thinking about you while i played, my train of thought naturally shifted to your birthday since it's not too far apart from mine— but i hope that you have a great day!!! pls pls pls remember to take care of yourself, eat well and rest when you have time !!! you do the most for everyone, so please take care of yourself just as well as you do everyone else  , okay? we're all cheering for u sukkie !!! pls have an amazing day, i'll see you tomorrow~

i love you (*≧ω≦*)

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt