may 10th, 2021

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hey, hyunsuk!!

man, it's pretty crazy to think that it's like .. halfway through may already? not too terribly much has happened now that i think about it, but honestly- it's okay, i'm just happy spending the time with you !! with less going on, it gives me more time to just focus on the things that are nice- from everything that you post on twitter, to something even more exciting like the livestream earlier!! the manyo one, right? i'm not sure what exactly the title of it, but i'm so happy T.T i ended up sleeping through it, and i do feel a bit guilty about that, but i've grown better in that regard. 'cause i still saw some recaps people posted on twitter, you know~? it made me super happy to be able to see what happened in the live earlier ! i swear every little moment just makes me love you more, you're the coolest person on the planet to me and nothing will ever change my mind about that T.T thank you for bringing so much joy into my life, i'll never be able to thank you properly for all the things you've done to make me so happy <333 i'm really grateful though, so please don't forget !!! hehe i'm just smiling so much today 'cause i got to see you- it fills me with so much energy i didn't even know i could have inside of me, you evoke so many special emotions within me <33

but i guess other than that, my day wasn't very special :> it was nice to be able to see you this morning though, it gave me a lot to think about- and i just kept drifting back and thinking about how i got to see you earlier, it made me feel really happy and grateful you know <33 i feel like it's been awhile since i got to see you proper- but it's okay, 'cause it makes the moments like this feel a lot sweeter when i do get to see you !! but that do reminds me, i saw last night as well that you posted some song recommendations on weverse!!! that made me really happy, 'cause i enjoyed the last time you did it !! it made my whole night and it was just one song, so more this time made me even happier  !! i'm always happy to hear your thought process, the things that make you happy, things you like, things you might not like, watching you do your thing, all of that makes me super happy !!! so things like song recommendations always make my day, if you like it then i already know it's a good song! plus, it tends to expand my own horizons a little since all the songs you've recommended so far- i haven't known that well T.T but i'm happy to find new music, and especially if it's from you~ so again, i just wanted to say thank you !! hehe

do i say thank you too much~ ? i just want to show that i'm grateful, is all <3 every second with you is one that i'm grateful to spend, i wouldn't have it any other way you know T.T it's the days like this though, that i'm especially happy to have you~~ thank you for making me smile lots!! i hope that you're still in a good mood and that you're feeling well <333 i'm sending you lots of love like always- actually, today, a little extra~!! since you made me extra happy earlier <33 you make life so much brighter, so i wanted to say thank you again !!!! <3 i hope you have a good day though okay hyunsuk?? <333 please take care of yourself, and i'll see you tomorrow, bye bye !!!!

i love you <3

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