march 15th, 2021

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hello mr choi~!

i hope that you're having a nice day~~ no surprise here, but i'm thinking about you a whole lot. ^^ it's the thoughts about you that really help me get through the day- today, you're helping me a lot in the sense of feeling inspired :') you see, i finished all of the videos i'd been previously working on- so now, i'm kind of left with a little void as of what to do . i think that i want to use my energy though, to perhaps do some art??  that's usually what i do, when i'm not making videos- so perhaps i'll go that route,, but for now, i'm just happy to write you,, even if i don't know what to say, i'm just happy to be around you :') i might be repetitive sounding,, but even the simplest of days are enough to give me energy- all i have to do is think of you :D ahhhh i'm not even sure if that makes sense?? i just know that i'm content,, which is good- days like this, too, i just tend to use my free time to maybe ponder what you're doing, you know?? i'm sure you're pretty busy,, but i still hope that you're getting enough rest since that's important :DD also eating lots is important too, you know—! please don't skimp on that T_T eat as much as you need,, you gotta keep yourself healthy okay?? i know all the other teumes will back me up, we want you feeling at your best all the time two

also this is kind of unrelated, i guess? but- i bought myself yakuza 7,, and in the game, you can pick korean as a text language ~ so that's what i've been playing it in !! which might seem random- but i'm trying really hard to better my korean, 'cause i want to be able to improve it for you guys T.T 1) if i ever get the chance to meet and talk with any of u 2) translating videos for teumes who can't speak korean :DD,, that's my main motivations for improving myself,, so i'm really trying my best,, i'm really bad at speaking korean even though i've been studying since 2017 and i don't know why, but i'll never give up so don't worry, but especially if you're one of my motivations to keep going'~' you're my shining light and i'm so grateful for you always being able to guide me owo it's really a blessing !! i don't even know how i managed anything before i found you- i was really a mess in so many aspects, but i guess one of the best words i could use is honestly just unguided? >_< i'm a mess,, i guess there's no other way to explain it? i'm really at such a loss for words today, i'm really sorry about that suk :(( but i just hope you can feel lots of the love that i have for you today, you know~~ my love and appreciation for you is always something that keeps growing with each dayy~~ ^^ even i'm just watching an old video that i've seen a hundred times, my heart always finds something new to adore deeply about it !!

that just says a lot about you, as a person- and how amazingly cool you are, you know~? the fact that i can always find something new to love about you, just shows that there's so many layers to you and that's what makes you so amazing :DD <3 there's no one in this world who i think is cooler than you T_T there's just endless good qualities about you, and there's always new things adding up on that list- you're just the best no matter what ^^ but i'm sorry for bothering you all the time,, after so long- these letters must be annoying T.T i'll go then, i just wanted to let you know that i love you and i hope that you're well- please take care of yourself 'cause you're a very important person to thousands and thousands of us :D you're certainly the best part of my life, and i just want you at your 100%— have a great day, okay? eat well, rest well, and remember that you're such an important, amazing, kind and perfect person!! see you tomorrow, i hope we can talk more, but until then, bye bye!
i love you <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن