march 13th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk~!

i hope you're well today~ it was nice, seeing the posts for jihoon's birthday! your pictures were really cute- it makes me wonder what the vibe in the practice room is like, the pictures you posted today were so funny :o why was jihoon just sitting on you like that??! it's so amusing? i feel bad for laughing,, since you were making that face while he's on you~ but i guess it was funny enough for you to post it, right? i always wonder about your pictures with the members , honestly. ^^ there must be a special memory behind each one that only you know of, each time you upload something :0 even the pictures you post with other members; i bet you remember things differently the way the other member might not~ it's really interesting, when you think about it ^^ i know i have a lot of different memories and special connotations with each picture you post- every single one, there's a memory behind it. as weird as it may sound, i can't help it since you're the most special to me :') seeing how thoughtful you are, day in and day out- this is really the core thing that makes me so attached, and really appreciate you more and more :D you make the days so bearable, even on the hard ones-

sometimes it's hard to even get through anything at all, the days can feel really long, really cold and really empty. but just the simple notification from my phone that you posted, is enough to light up my heart, and remind me i'm not alone :') and it always makes me happy to know that my comfort idol  is someone as sweet as you ;_; i'm sorry for always saying the same things every day, by the way! i know it might be boring, but i just want you to know that i really appreciate you and everything that you do for treasure makers, or even the other members themselves. they're really lucky to have a leader like you- i still can't quite get over last night's tmi with jihoon behind the scenes? the way that you went to cheer him on, you gave him flowers but you also went to get him the things he asked for- it's so sweet, there's really not a lot of people like you out there who'd easily just go out and do what someone else asks, without thinking. T^T it really says a lot about your character, you're so attentive and kind, you know~? i know there's a lot of nice people, but to those who'd just go out of their way for someone else is really special ! ^^ you've always been the sweetest person that i know, ever since the very beginning i was always able to tell but the luxuries of you guys debuting has included seeing you more, and within that it also means we get to see your personality more and see brand new aspects, still to this day~

but ahh- having you around makes the hard days a lot more bearable ! i really don't want to be selfish, but today wasn't my absolute favourite~ ~ it's technically a day that people think i should spend happily, but it's hard to. you know? anyway, i just did the usual, and i was okay. thinking about you definitely helped me through it, and i'm so thankful for it !! days like this though really make me reevaluate my life, and i'm just super happy to be able to say that you're my number one comfort idol in life. you're so special to me, you know~? you're super cool- i can't believe i've been your fan for so long now, and i've spent so many days dedicating a lot of time to give you love, and i'm so glad i have. i feel really proud of myself for that- if i can be proud of anything, it's the way i give you love, you deserve that more than anything and i just want to make sure that you know you're so loved and appreciated by me no matter what- i can't think of anyone who's cooler than you at all, or kinder or anything than that. but even if there was, it doesn't matter to me ! you're my person, in my eyes, you're number one, even if the world doesn't see you that way. but luckily for you- the world does ! a lot of people recognize your talents, and even more as the days pass. that's one of the most rewarding things to see as a fan, seeing someone that you love so much get more recognition from the masses. knowing how hard you work, it makes those words that much sweeter, even if they aren't meant for me.

i can live my whole life without compliments and that's okay, all that matters to me is your happiness- and i hope all of their kind words reach you. you work hard, and you deserve it!! i know you feel love from teumes, and it's impossible to see everything that they say, but i just wish there was some way for you to see all of it . ^^ i hope it gives you energy, and really fuels you when you need it !! you're the sweetest thing, and deserve the best things, but i just hope you're having a nice day. ^^ i suspect that i may be waking up to a vlive, to which i hope- i'll be able to start my day with a cup of coffee and my favourite people in the whole world, all 12 of you are the biggest part of my life and i feel like the day i found you, i won my own personal lottery, except the prize is something priceless, and something i wouldn't trade for anything else in the world. you've meant so much to me from the second you've entered my life, and with each passing second, you've only become more important, i'm just reminded extra on days like these, that i'm beyond lucky to have you as ~my person~ :D not in a weird way, just as in a role model way, that kind of thing. i hope you have a nice day with your members tho, like always~ i'm sending you all lots of love !! please take care of yourselves, okay?

i'll see you tomorrow~ bye bye!
i love you <3

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