may 1st, 2021

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hey suk !

i'm totally out of the loop- i was kind of confused waking up this morning, but happy nonetheless ! i saw that there was a fansign? :000 it's been so long since you guys got to talk to teumes, so i felt really happy for you !! you're always so happy when you get to talk to them and it shows so clearly in your expression- i swear, it's some of the cutest things that i've ever laid my eyes on . that genuine love you have for teumes ... your heart just shines so brightly, no matter what you do, i always feel warm around you ~~~ the happiness i get from games is literally nothing in comparison to how happy i feel when i get to see you in your element like this . you treat everyone so sweet and well,, it makes me wonder how you're real half of the time. but i feel so glad to know someone like you, you're really special,, every moment i saw from this fansign just made me love you a hundred times more than i did already ,, the more i see about you, the more i love,, i keep saying it i know, but i can't get over how special you are ~~~ it makes me glad to see you this happy !! man, it's been so long since you've been able to talk with treasure makers- since my treasure era, right? i can't imagine how excited you must have been T.T i feel kind of ashamed i didn't know,, beforehand, you know?

but either way- the clips were certainly such a delight to watch and it made my morning a whole lot more special! but of course, i think since you're always in my heart, every day is always special ! all it takes is knowing you're there <333 i saw you in a pic yoshi posted on weverse as well !!! so i guess just seeing you a lot today helped start this month on a good note for me- so i wanted to say thank you ! i hope you're spending your day well, 'cause you deserve it ~~ is .. there perhaps another fan meet today? i always wondered the things i'd try to talk about with you at a fan meet- i don't think i'd get the chance or anything and i dont' think i deserve it exactly but!!! hey,, i'm a gamer... i about games with you..heheh i know you have a ps5 ~~ i didn't mean to be invasive, but i saw you posted a pic one day and i saw some games that you had,, you had a spiderman game i think? it made me giggly- just 'cause i have it too ! i really like that game, i haven't played it in a while but i really liked it ~~~ i started a new game today,, but ah i don't wanna be selfish!! i'm sorry.. i think games are on the mind just 'cause i finished one i was playing, and started a new one >_<

anyway- i assume you're probably busy as i write this :0 i wonder what you're doing- i've been thinking about something lately! on last weeks tmap, and the one where you first showed us your studio, you played tidbits of little songs you're working on.. man, i'm just dying to hear the whole song! when you're ready to reveal it of course, though! only when you're ready, cause i don't want you to feel pressured (sorry if i come off as pushy!) i'm just so curious, 'cause everything you make always sounds like a masterpiece!! i bet every single song you have saved up on your computer sounds perfect, you have a real talent for everything that you do and its really admirable !!! i hope that you know we're all so proud of how you work hard constantly, i know it must be difficult but you're doing amazing !!! it inspires me to do the same- i promise i do more than play games all day hahah i just do all my work at night, and i always try to do my best 'cause i know that's what you'd do. but!!!! i always start my night routine by writing you first, since i think about you a lot throughout the day, my feelings are usually all ready to come out by night time~

and you always use your words in such a precious way, always expressing your love- and even though you do so within a character limit, i can always feel every bit of the emotion you want to convey. that's another thing you're really talented at, you know ^^ i want to show you all the love that i have for *you* to show you that you're super appreciated, just like you do for teumes !! thank you for being such a bright soul suk .. it really helps a lot,, it just makes me so happy to know you !!! but ah, i am not so sure what else to say so i hope that you have a good day of course !! please take care of yourself and remember that i love you a lot, you make me happier than anything else in the world ~~ you deserve the best of the best, so please rest well when you have time, and eat lots bc it's important to take care of your body !!! i'll see you tomorrow ,, hopefully we can talk a lot again !! but until then, i'll go ahead and leave :") once again, i hope you have a nice day~! i'll see you later, bye bye sukkie !!

i love you <3

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