april 8th, 2021

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hi hyunsukkie~~

how is my favourite boy today?~ i just want to say that i'm probably overflowing with joy- for a lot of reasons! but i think that i'll start with the video you posted on twitter !!! it was a dancing video, but with junghwan this time :00 i think you said it was the same dance from that old tmap from last year, the prank cam episode—? if i remember right, it's episode 20 hehehe but it was so fun seeing it again a year later, you guys really have gotten so much better since then and that's so crazy to even think about, since last year you guys seemed unfathomably amazing back then-!! you guys are just always at the point of like, thinking that you are all so amazing that you couldn't possibly get better.. but then you do ! it's so fun to watch, you guys just have endless talent and it's always leaving me in awe, but i'm so thankful that you guys always share your talent with us. i promise that us teumes are all very grateful to receive everything you leave us !!! not just that, though- it's funny you post a video covering a dance from last year's treasure map.. cause today is a new treasure map episode, as well~! i'm so excited, you know i always look forward to these, right? every teume does, of course! but this week was honestly, kind of a rough one :>> so i'm just a bit happy that i'll be able to unwind and start my weekend with the boys who mean so much to me, but especially you- my number one boy, always and forever <3

i'm super grateful for every moment, but when things are hard, almost as if it's second nature— i rely on you automatically. maybe i should be more independent, but right now, i can get all of the happiness i could ever need just from a glance at one of your pictures. ^_^ sometimes, that's all i need! that's why it's been so much fun to see you on weverse, too ~ i'm not gonna lie, it's hard to write two letters every day.. i sort of fell out of the habit (im sorry ㅜㅜ) but it's still so much fun watching you on there, regardless! it's really easy to tell how much fun you have on there, from how often you post, to how many teumes you reply too !!! even if it's not a lot, i feel deep in my heart that you take your time to reply to as many people as you possibly can T_T of course, i'll think anything you do is sweet- but that's just always heartwarming to me~ i really appreciate all of the pictures, too! 'cause i really do mean it when i say, a picture is all i need to help me feel better hehe. i guess just seeing your face when i'm having a hard time is a reminder why i fight so hard to keep going !! no matter how much life tries to tear me down, i'll always keep going if it means i'll get to see you again- i don't have a reason to keep going for other than that, not really. as sad as it sounds, you're all i have. T_T

but i do have a lot of friends now, thanks to you~ i've probably said it hundreds of times now with the amount of letters i've written you, you really have changed my life and it's something i'm so grateful for :00 i can imagine when you wanted to become an idol that it was out of love for music and performing, right? i'm sure you liked the idea of making people happy, but was it hard to fathom that you could really change people's lives this much? i don't want to presume your thoughts, i've always thought that was kind of rude (to an extent!! sometimes it's okay, of course!) but i guess if i was speaking from a personal point of view, i could never imagine changing someone's life so much, just from doing what i love to do. but maybe one day i'll know what it feels like- i haven't given up on my dream yet, thanks to you! there's been plenty of times now where i wanted to crumble and give up, but you gave me a good reason to keep going, so i always did, and i always tried to do so with a smile on my face :D sometimes it's hard, but when i think about you, it always helps. you're always my number one motivation!! heheheh i just want to say thank you <3 you're doing so good, you know that? i feel like i don't say that enough.. T^T but truly, you've done so many amazing things!!

ahhh.. let me see, it's april now. we're about, a quarter into the month now (i guess? i'm not good at math LOL) and not long from now, it'll be almost a year since you guys have debuted. i guess there's still awhile until august, but it's reaching that point. you guys have done so much- i can't even begin to imagine all the work you all have put in, but i'm so proud of you for making it this far aaaah. there's this persona song that kind of makes me think of you- i used to not associate it with you, or treasure in general, but lately i think of you guys just 'cause of the title alone. it's called 'memories of summer', it's a nice song with a slower tempo, kind of just chill~ i guess it's mostly 'cause of the title alone, but it indeed makes me think of my memories from last summer. undoubtedly 2020 was, personally, one of the worst, but i still smiled a lot, and had a lot to be grateful for. all of those moments included you- it wasn't my first summer i spent with you, but i feel like it was the one where i got to grow closest to you. hardships are clearly very unpleasant, but you can still find positives in them no matter how hard it gets, right? i feel like i learned that from watching you. but the positive i found, was even if things turn and become quite horrible, if i spend the time with you and am able to smile in those moments, it makes me feel closer to you :DD

even in all of those nights where stress and sadness tried to surround me, it was also those same days that were leading up to this debut you've wanted for so long- and then of course, the actual debut itself happening within the same summer :0 so there was a lot of content to focus on- treasure tmi's, 3 min treasure, i always tried my best to stay awake for every single performance, see all the fansign clips.. i just felt closer to you, because i felt like it was another time where you healed my hard times. it didn't erase them, but it eased the pain. i'll always be grateful to you for it, because i wouldn't have been able to bear it on my own. it's been almost a year since all of these bad occurrences first happened, and with each day that passes, it turns them more into an old memory, rather than something that happened recently. some of those things still effect my heart in quite a deep rooted way, but each time i'm struck with a hard time, you're always there to help me. and i just couldn't feel more grateful, so i guess i just wanted to take the time to say thank you . T_TT you'll always be the most important person to me, hyunsuk~~ but i wrote a lot and tmap hasn't even started yet— i'm sorry D: i'll write you more afterwards lil angel~~ <33


oh my gosh— ㅜㅜ this is one of the most fun episodes ever??? i really like these kind of episodes, where we just get to see you guys having lots of fun and enjoying yourself hehehe i can't decide which half of the episode i like better, i think i like all of it equally just bc i like seeing you so happy ::::( your happiness spreads to anyone watching you hehehe thank you for making me so happy today~~ this tmap episode is really better than i could have ever imagined :D i swear i adore you more each time i get to see you- you're amazing!! i never want the episodes like these to end, but moments like tonight are always the ones that stick out as a warm memory <33 you know,, the first time you play a video game from start to finish- it's the most special, since you're experiencing everything for the first time~~~ even if you play it again and feel happy, nothing is as warm as the first memories from when you play it :D it's kind of like that for treasure map, too! like.. the first time i watch an episode always feels really special, i'm just not sure how to explain it T_T but i wanna say thank you (Again again) for giving me so many special memories to always be able to hold on to <33 you truly are the best boy in the whole world and i adore you with my whole heart :DDD <33 since you made me so happy with all your twt/weverse posts and this episode, i hope you have a great day, too~!!

i'll end the letter by saying that i'm super thankful for every day that i get to spend with you, and that i wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world~~ ~please take care of yourself and always be happy!! we love you so much, you're our treasure <333 i'll see you tomorrow, hopefully with a lesss awkward letter~ but i just hope you know i adore, admire and love you a lot :D ty for every day, with all the warm feelings and special memories!!! i'll see you tomorrow ~~~

i love you !!! <3

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