april 17th, 2021

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hey suk !!!

how are you? i'm just thinking about things rn,, kind of just everything, really? relating to you anyway. i wonder how often you lurk what treasure makers post, off of weverse~ i know you love interacting and all, it just makes me curious what just goes through your head during those moments exactly ^^ i hope that i could be a fan you could be proud of, or that could make you happy haha,, i'm always trying my best to do things that are positive for you ~~ but i just wonder if you've seen anything that i've written for you, seen of the videos i made- stuff like that~ ahhh i know what i say a lot of the time must be cringe but the goal for my day is to just pour a big amount of love to you and show you how much you mean to me- like truly on such a big level, my heart is fully yours because of how happy you always make me T_T working on surprises for your birthday and such really made me feel a lot closer to you this time around,, i'm not sure why- i just really wanted to try my best, even harder than i have every birthday prior to finding you :< i might have struggled here and there, but i feel happy knowing that i tried my best. you make me happier than i ever could have imagined being— me three years ago couldn't fathom happiness to this extent even existing, let alone me feeling it every day.

you know you have a strong ability to comfort people as well, right? it's a really special thing that you have, the way you can make people feel at ease just by being yourself ^ - ^ i hope you know that, and i hope that reading fan messages helps you see that too~~ you're just really special ! i know i keep saying that a lot, but i want you to know that you're totally amazing T_T you helped me a lot today,, just watching you puts a smile on my face. no matter what i'm feeling internally, those feelings fade away the longer that i'm watching you~ it's impossible for me to have any kind of inkling of bad feelings when what i'm looking at on my screen is like a real life angel, you know? you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, youre like the gift that keeps on giving~ i'm just so happy to know someone as amazing as you !!! i don't think i could have made it through today without you,,, and i know i say that a lot- i just can't express enough how much you help me and just how much i'm grateful for it hehe although i'll keep trying my best just to express how much i love and adore you ~~~ you make the days feel so much better !!! but ahhh speaking of the days,, maybe it's weird but as it draws closer i just keep getting more and more excited thinking about your birthday :000

i just know that you'll be spoiled by teumes as you rightfully deserve~~ i want you to be spoiled with lots of love, kind words, edits, drawings- anything and everything that teumes have to prepare for your special day, i'm just so excited for all of it :00 i hope it lifts your spirits and makes you even happier~ cause you're such a bright soul, you're so happy all the time and your happiness is so radiant, it makes all of us around you feel the same ~ that's another gift you have, just making us feel real happy !!! i'm super giggly right now even as i write this, i just want you to feel the same kind of happy emotions that teumes feel when we see you ~~ heheheh you're just our little ray of sunshine <333 so i hope that you have a nice day ,, u deserve it !!! please take care of yourself i just really want you at your happiest alright??? i love u more than anything, always and forever~~ pls carry teume's love for you as u go throughout your day, i hope it can give you strength~~~ and i'll try to write more tomorrow, sorry for the weird letter today hehehe but i'll see u tomorrow alright?? until then, bye bye~

i love u <3

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