june 30th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk~! (ノ'ヮ')ノ*: ・゚

i think that today is the last day of june? wowieee~~ that's sort of hard to believe, this year has gone by really fast so far! which i guess is preferable to the year dragging on, but still! another month going by where i've been able to be your fan <3 i know one thing that i've learned from you, is how to be grateful for every moment that i have ^^ every day feels truly special if you're around to spend it with, even with no particular details of how you're doin or anything like that, i'm just really happy knowing that you're there and it makes me feel happy and refreshed heheheh~~ i can't wait for you guys' comeback, though! i don't want to seem pushy and like i'm trying to rush it before you're ready— because i can wait however long i need to! it's much harder on you guys, i'm sure! preparing for the comeback must be a lot more work than fans could ever realize, there's no way we could know unless we were right there with you.. plus, there's promoting the song on music shows and going to variety shows, fanmeets and i'm sure there's a lot of other things going on too, whenever there's a comeback i know you guys have a lot on your plate~ but i was just thinking about how i missed the little moments that are associated with comebacks hehe

of course, i like the music the best! music sticks around the longest, i always listen to the songs you guys make because they make me feel happy and warm, there's absolutely nothing better to me than getting to listen to your voice 'cause it's very soothing to me, ya know! plus you're also very talented, that goes without saying ^^ plus if i have time to, i'd much rather watch the music videos to go along with the songs, cause the visuals are crazy good! then again as well, i really enjoy rewatching live performances, or watching the dance practices- because you're so good and naturally gifted at dancing! of course, i think you're all great at dancing, but you always catch my eye the most above everyone else- it's just really nice to be able to watch you, gosh you're amazing~ i just like watching all of the fresh content as it comes out, and i like getting up to support you for it as well :33 i was thinking about the comeback vlives that you guys always do, counting down to the music video!! each time there's been a song release, i have a lot of happy memories associated with every single vlive that's come out, too~~ the last time, the one for my treasure, was probably my favourite-

i think i felt excited in a new way, 'cos the release of my treasure also meant you guys first full length album was coming out and i thought that was something really celebratory! plus, i was just sitting and listening to persona 5 music, sitting there and thinking about how far you guys have come- that night was really special, and i feel like i remember it all so clearly. even down to the things that didn't relate to you, you know? i was playing games with my dad a few hours before he went to bed, and i was just thinking the entire time about what you might have been doing to prepare for the release and the vlive, and if you were even awake yet at that point :D i remember staying up for the press conference, and i tried to just rest with music playing while i waited for the vlive ><_< i dunno, i just get sentimental about a lot of things very easily, but when it comes to you it's even more natural to me just get really into my feelings,, sometimes i just cry because you mean a lot to me :D having so many special memories with you makes me feel grateful- it's been a really long time now, we even have a new milestone coming up which i'm very excited about heheee <3 950 days! i think i've said before, probably :D but still, this is a day that means quite a lot to me, just like all the others~ it signifies another long portion of time that i've spent with the boy who saved my life and always makes it better every time i see him- you have no idea how lucky i feel to be able to have you, hyunsuk :D

anyways, i'm sure i really must be bothering you at this point!!!! i rambled a lot, and about random things too :> but i was just spending the day thinking about a lot of stuff, i'm having a rest day as far as studying bc for awhile ive been doing it every day,, i'm taking a break though so i used the spare time to think about you :) thank you for making me happy, always! anyways~ please take care of yourself, and stay safe! health is the absolute most important thing, and i know you know that just please don't forget! rest well and eat well when you have time, you deserve it~~ eat nice meals, and rest a lot so you can relax! i'll cheer you every step of the way like always <33 hehe i'll see you tomorrow though, okay? until then, bye bye~~

i love you <3

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