june 19th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!!!!

i hope you're having a good day- i got to hear from you this morning, which was nice~ i saw you posted some pictures with yoshi! any pictures make me smile, but i love yoshi a whole bunch as well so these pics made me especially excited!! it was a nice little energy boost- but i also rewatched some of the vlive from yesterday, i know it might look weird but i just keep feeling this comfort and warmth bubble within me when i watch it or even think bout it you know~ ? it was really special! so i just wanted to enjoy it again, i thought it was a nice way to spend my morning. but gosh, you guys were really spot on- i know you wanted to help people relieve their stress and worries by doing this, right? it really helps more than i can explain!! i'm sure a lot of other teumes feel the same, actually i'm 100% sure of it, cause i saw them sharing the same sentiments that i did! i just can't help but fall more for you, the more that i see you ~~ you're just really something special, you make everyone feel so comfortable no matter what you're doing. the main focus of the vlive was surely the music itself, right? i enjoyed that quite a great deal, and it's always so much fun to see what music you recommend! but i think my main focus always remains the most on you ^_^ it's so fun to watch you when you're happy, all your emotions are really evident on your face~

even without you saying so, i can tell how much you love music. it's something really pure, really beautiful! i think it's really cool~ <333 the little expressions on your face, it's so evident that you get really into the songs and all!! idk i feel like i'm growing a bit repetitive, but i guess your energy is quite contagious because i become very happy, not just from the songs themselves but from watching you enjoy them so wholeheartedly, and doing so with members that you love a great deal!!! its really sweet, ya know~ but i really like the aspect of knowing what songs you like, its something i always think about!! hopefully it doesn't sound weird or anything, but i just get curious ya know ! you always make good music so i know whatever inspires you must be just as good~ i remember the one times you posted on weverse song recommendations i lost my mind just 'cos i was so happy hearing about something you wanted to share with teumes, idk- maybe i'm overly sentimental but it's just really nice to be able to hear the things that you're into! thank you for sharing them, seriously <333 i appreciate it a lot, that vlive really was super healing, and all my happiness stems the most from you like always! i could say it forever, but you're really something special. i adore you more than anything else in the whole world T_T

i hope that you're having a good day! you really deserve it, hyunsuk~ just please remember the essentials, okay? eat well, you work hard so you need the nutrients and to stay healthy :D plus since you do work so hard, please rest well too okay??? i just want you to feel at your best cause you deserve it more than anyone else!! i want you to feel happy, so just know that youre loved by me and lots of others!! i wasn't too sure what to say today but i just want you to have a good daY~~~!!!! please take care, alright??? i'll try to write better tomorrow but thank you for making me happy~~ i'll see you later okay? til then, bye bye!!

i love you <3

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