march 22nd, 2021

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hey hyunsuk :DD

today is monday- another week starts today,, another one where i'm happy to be supporting you ^^ today was actually really nice, because i saw the tweet you did this morning~ i'm always happy to hear from you any day that i can, but man— on a day like monday, i guess it's a lot nicer to hear it coming from you. it's like.. reassurance!! that this week will be great no matter what happens, since you'll be there to inspire me to do my best :DD idk- i kind of dread the week days again like i'm in school again even tho i'm technically not? i am studying for my ged,, 솔직히 그거 하고싶은걸 아닌데 공부하고 잘하면 나의 부모님은 내 레슬링 학교의 비용을 지불할 거야 ㅜㅜ anyway sorry for the random switch- i really want my korean better, and since i'm studying for that i don't really have time to study korean D: but it's okay, i mean, you inspiring me is all i need- and it'll always be there to learn, the other stuff can't really wait :D but seeing you tweet this morning just makes me feel more inspired to do the best i can for this whole week! and why?~ because i know that you'll be doing the same :DD honestly,, just seeing you in the studio makes me smile- 'cause i know that you're happy there,, you really love what you do, and it's really apparent in how you act and perform, how you are on stage- all of it points to the genuine love you have for both music and performing, so i just know you must be happy working on stuff in your natural environment~~

might be a dramatic way to put it, but i mean? the studio is like your natural habitat :D it's cute to watch a penguin waddle around in it's natural arctic area, and it's cute to watch a hyunsuk in his natural habitat vibe and do the things he enjoys- although i guess i'm not technically, 'watching', you. that'd be weird anyway D: i meant like seeing your pictures from twt GJLKHS plus like always, your captions just make my heart feel the warmest— it's like,, they're things i didn't know that i needed to hear, but after i hear them from you i just suddenly feel a lot better and a lot happier and rejuvenated in some sense? it's just really, really special !! and i wanted to say thank you, that tweet didn't just make my day- but i think it's gonna make my whole week a lot better, too~ hehe it might be dramatic but i really do mean it, so its important for me to say thank you :33 you rly have such a large impact on my life, even with little actions !!! also i wanted to say too, that i'm really proud of you. you're so cool- always working hard,  but also making sure to check in on everyone and make sure that they're doing okay :( you have all the best qualities in the world, it's just really cool to me to know someone like you is out there, spreading lots of good and positivity for people who need it, and even the ones who don't ~ ~ positivity is something welcome, for everyone!!

i wonder what your daily schedule is like?? it might sound weird, but i kinda get all of my work done around the nighttime- i start gaming from like uhhh, 3pm to 8pm roughly.. then i do a little bit of my work, shower, then i start writing you- sometimes i write you earlier, but i like to work a little first, too :D so i don't have a big pile to go to after, but writing you in general is just a bit priority for me. it's my stress reliever but it also just makes me happy knowing that im trying to do something nice for you, 'cause you always do nice things for other people T^T is it weird to do? you don't read these.. maybe it is weird, but i don't mind. i'm just happy knowing i'm trying to spread positive and good energy for you, and with that in mind, i'll always do it :D i just want to give you back some of the same kind of love that you give other people, and i hope one day i can get the opportunity in some form or another, to tell you how much we all appreciate you and your hard work, but also your sweet personality just as much. it aids us through the good and the bad, and it's something we can rely on to motivate us and help us. hyunsuk, you really are like a gift to so many of us. for me for sure- i couldn't imagine life without you at all. it'd be too much D: especially on the days that are really hard, even though some days are still hard (to be entirely honest) even in those times, thinking about you still helps me smile. even on the worst days, so i hope you know that.

idk- i still miss hana a lot. it gets me down,, but at least i have you ! i'll always be okay if i have you, no matter what .. so pls take care of yourself okay?? again.. i guess saying this stuff might sound weird, since you won't read it. but it's for peace of mind- if you did read this, i'd just want you to know i think about your well-being as much as you do for treasure makers :') you want teumes well rested, well fed, happy and healthy right? whatever you want teumes to do, i hope that you can as well !! just be safe, healthy and all of that good stuff okay??? i always want you happy and feeling at your best for a lot of reasons :') you mean so much to me , you always work hard and bring joy to so many lives, i just want you to feel good too T^T so please have a good day alright? i'll see you tomorrow then :D bye bye,,

i love u !!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now